You play ttt often? ... as in, do you play that and that only? ... because i'm just saying, I play ttt rarely, but since I like playing gamemodes on rNd such as Zombie Survival, Fretta ... sometimes even Stronghold. Stronghold; if you don't already know ... is a game where players can team up to kill the other players and by the way, you earn this type of money-system (like GBux, for instance) so that way you can access/buy more weapons, ammo, etc...
you can also build your own base, along with such props like Fences, Soda Machines (preferred to be used for fading doors or 'Quick Exits' incase someone tries to break in and spawnkills you and all...which reminds me - spawnkilling is allowed ofcourse, but money farming simply isn't if you have a friend who lets you kill them over and over again for 'Gbux' ... unless, they're actually trying to kill you;but that'd be preferred as 'spawnkilling'. So, anyway, SpawnKilling's allowed as long as you don't have a friend letting you kill them just for gbux ... but ofcourse, it's not up to regulars (like me for instance,) to get you banned nor kicked. But ofcourse, if a VIP is on, they would have a right to votekick or voteban you as long as you're still breaking the rules. However, if you decide not to, that probably won't happen

But anyway, you may not see me on TTT too often; It just isn't my type of stuff i'd like to call