Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Kirhi's Application; For "Regular" Date 1/23/2012

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--- Quote from: Kirhi <3 on January 23, 2012, 05:40:53 PM ---Back off you have no right to judge me you don't even know me. I should make that a point to add to.

--- End quote ---

That's the whole point of an application...
He may not know you well, but he knows what you've shown us.

but none the less, -1
still to soon

No judging allowed? Read the Regular How to LOL.

Dark Pacifist:
Kirhi my friend you don't have to snap at people for their responses.To each their own.
In game attitude yes.
Forum attitude no...overall +0

You all know the reason why  :thumbsdown:
*Edit reasonS

I don't see what all of you are talking about. In the TTT server, Kirhi is fun to play with.He also plays a lot more than even the VIP's from what I've seen.  :thumbsup:
Take it easy everyone.


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