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Kirhi's Application; For "Regular" Date 1/23/2012

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Kirhi <3:

Steam ID

In-Game Name

Time Online
I play on my freetime. The only time I play on your severs is when I play gmod, witch is often as you can see...

1.Trouble in Terrorist Town
2.And that one sever that switch gametypes. Not sure what it's called "Random" However these are my two favorite severs.


5th of January

Games on Steam
Garry's Mod
Left 4 Dead 2
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Team Fortress 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Counter-Strike: Source
There are more however I recall this being optional.

Where do you Live?

Why I want to be Regular
I figured since I play so much on your severs as you can see just about anytime I play Gmod it is on the Random severs. Witch has been for awhile. So I finally came on your website and now want to be more apart of the severs I enjoy most. Since I spend a considerable amount of time on it already. Aha, I'm not sure if regulars have any power besides voting witch is fine. Most VIP's I've seen do there job fairly for the most part and I would vote honestly and as just, I am not mean and not nice. When I have any type of power. I'm only "fair" alas myself on how I behave on your severs is dependable from time to time. I will ignore, but if I'm feeling in a bad mood troll only those that seem fit to troll. That is those who deserve it. I am only being honest. Anywho for the most part people like me and I'm easy going.

Contributions to RND
Well I haven't contributed anything, (expect for getting that map up on the TTT sever 67 street) but the fact I referred people to your severs I enjoy. However Like I already explained I am very fair with power and wise. I use to run my own sites awhile ago and handle admins and a bit over 100 people. Being on top and in order to be successful you had to have rules and fairness. However nothing so far. Just became apart of the site itself.

Don't be mean to me. I am sweet.
Thank you, Kirhi <3


Kirhi <3:
Back off you have no right to judge me you don't even know me. I should make that a point to add to.


--- Quote from: Kirhi <3 on January 23, 2012, 05:40:53 PM ---Back off you have no right to judge me you don't even know me. I should make that a point to add to.

--- End quote ---


I haven't really met you Kirhi...atleast not in-game, but from the looks of the way you've treated others (aswell on your last application for regular) I'm just going to have to give you a  :thumbsdown:

Because regulars ... even VIPs need to show respect for everyone ... no matter how angry they make us nor what way they treat us. But to me it's like you're treating half of every member on the rNd forums like they're idiots. Well, I got two compound words for you.


Spoiler (click to show/hide)down
Just try and change your attitude and your reputation the opposite direction and I'm sure you might aswell become a regular someday...or mabye a VIP, in that case. Good luck.



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