Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Kirhi's Application; For "Regular" Date 1/23/2012

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U are kinda mean to people....



--- Quote from: Samo8412 on January 24, 2012, 12:28:48 AM ---Its ok Black, our 1 month ban for "Suspected Ghosting" is almost over... Some people have a bit of splainin' to do.

--- End quote ---

No one owes you anything. Hence why your appeals failed.

Kirhi <3:

--- Quote from: Deacon on January 23, 2012, 10:00:02 PM ---,10966.msg150511.html#top

If you guys vote this guy in, I am leaving this community.

--- End quote ---

I wasn't going to even comment until I saw this. That right there is what I'm talking about. 1st it is an empty threat, but the fact that it is a threat is all that is needed. You won't leave this because this makes you feel special. (Apie2 I am not mean to people but I will be mean here and now. Don't simply join in the the group you don't know me and so I disrespect the fact that you pretend to.) Trying to control people into what they should and should not do. "If anyone haves anything good to say about Kirhi then I will be totally against you and I'm a VIP so watch out" That is more or less what his threat translate into. What a joke. By the way thank you for that link I was looking for it, Like i said not familiar with this site.

All of your other comment's seem to more or less even out witch surprises me I expected more people to join in and agree with Vip's to earn false "respect" Really I appreciate all you guys a lot. I'm sure a lot more people would back me up but they haven't gotten around to coming on the site as well It's nice, I suppose me going against what is wrong pays off a bit. Axule I've been playing on Random severs for 4 months It's been to late. Mostly my fault for being lazy and never coming on this site until a few weeks ago. The rest of you who are against me witch is really only two people who will troll my post without hesitation. You claim to stand for the reason that I don't show respect. Well yes you can use that excuse all you want because I totally agree. I will not show respect to those who don't deserve my respect. 1 I don't like liers (who does) 2 I don't care for people who are weak. Scared. Whatever you want to call a "follower" Hmmmm So you see I will now show respect to those who think it's there right to it. You have to earn my respect if you want it I'm too proud to give it away and certainly not to people I don't respect at all.. I'm not going to judge you by a title VIP or even Admin I will type my mind. Because honestly some of you VIP's giving the responsibility to judge and ban/kick people is foolishly giving. Some of you are 15 14 little brothers. Some of you suck don't follow the rules yourselves and abuse it. I've been admin I helped  ran organizations back when "halo" was very popular... and they were far bigger than this. So naturally they had to pick people who were serious. Since Random is so small these powers are more poorly watched now I am being honest. I judge people based on how they act and think and do things. Not by how much respect points you have on your profile heh. So No I will not show you respect you want it earn it. Those who have shown me respect me and I respect them back, that goes for anybody. The only person here who can truly vote me down is Prox. If he is "Plokbud" in game then yes. He doesn't like me I don't like him end of story. Back then we had some revenge rdm's *gasp* ... and you know the funny thing is i actually respect him more for his comment because all he did was be honest. "-1" that's it. So now challenge me if you feel differently if you think you're right so prove it. If not ignore this or troll it I don't mind your response will likely be for me to ignore it.

Kirhi <3:

Quote from: Samo8412 on Today at 02:28:48 AM

Its ok Black, our 1 month ban for "Suspected Ghosting" is almost over... Some people have a bit of splainin' to do.

--- Quote from: Deacon on January 24, 2012, 08:18:21 AM ---
No one owes you anything. Hence why your appeals failed.

--- End quote ---

Just to prove a point. "If anyone haves anything good to say about Kirhi then I will be totally against you and I'm a VIP so watch out" He says I'm cool now he attacks him. Pffft stupid. Vip Deacon ignorance. *rollseyes* That was seconds before my last post I thought I bring that up.


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