Steam nickname: SEGACDX
Steam name: Blueclaydude500
Real Name: Justin
Age: 17
Country: Canada B.C
Time I'm on: almost every day
My Rule's: I Do not shoot chem's when any ones is near, all ways work together try to help other players and be a winrar

Favorite servers: Zombie survival, TTT, wire and the new Fetta
Reason why I should be a regular: I have been playing the RND severs for some time all most 2 year's mostly this summer when I really started playing all the time and still to this day.
I would use the reg to help control minge's asshole's mic spamming etc, I am a really good at ZS thanks to lazerblade, psycho,punisher,Gingerbread Fetus,Maverix26,cable,Shawn etc a lot of nice and fun player's cant name all of them tho

So please vote for my reg app and tell me if I should add more/fix any thing.