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Trying to buy/sell TF2 items ingame?

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Cake Faice:
So the only reason why the person came to the game is just to buy/sell TF2 items? If so, then that's sorta...stupid. That will only encourage more people to turn stronghold into a trade fest where no one is actually playing the game.


1. All trades would operate on good faith (aka no direct way of transferring goods) this would automatically mean scamming.

2. It opens a Pandora's box of other things that we probably shouldn't get into.

If you really are keen on trading stuff like that do it out of game, the servers aren't a marketplace to trade your crap around in.

Think about it, even if 95% of the trades were legitimate, it would only take that 5% to spread a reputation that RND is full of thieves and scammers. Not the end of the world no, but not a risk that is worth the benefits.


--- Quote from: Xrain on January 23, 2012, 08:58:30 AM ---No

1. All trades would operate on good faith (aka no direct way of transferring goods) this would automatically mean scamming.

2. It opens a Pandora's box of other things that we probably shouldn't get into.

If you really are keen on trading stuff like that do it out of game, the servers aren't a marketplace to trade your crap around in.

Think about it, even if 95% of the trades were legitimate, it would only take that 5% to spread a reputation that RND is full of thieves and scammers. Not the end of the world no, but not a risk that is worth the benefits.

--- End quote ---
I think this is probably the first time I'll have to disagree with you.
It's not like RND is going to become a trading server... if it got to the point that everyone came on the server to trade stuff, then we could start enforcing against it, but I really see no harm in it now. If people are foolish enough to trade on the server and get scammed, their faults. It doesn't really create much of a bad rep for RND... not unless the active ranked members are scamming. But anyhow, if there's one or two people trying to trade stuff, and not causing a big deal with it, then I see no problem. If anything, that will get them to play on the server more to earn cash and trade would it not?

We gain nothing from players playing more, especially not if we are harboring this kind of behavior inside of a normal TDM gamemode. I agree entirely with Xrain: Its just going to cause problems with the scammers AND the scammed.

Just let it be for a month or something and look how it's going to turn out.


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