We can't promote regulars, if you meant it the otherway then i'm dumb >.<.
Admins needs to watch you and based on your regularity you get promotion.
If it was entirely based on the admin's personal experience then I would have a problem. I try to play at least 1-2 hours of TTT a day, but out of the 65 or so hours I have played, I have only seen admins on TTT two or three times. Either I keep missing them , they prefer other gamemodes, or they are just busy with RL and taking care of the various servers. It is always fun when they do show up though.

(Oh, and I think Excalipoor meant that the people who comment on applications help point out to the admins what the applicants are like ingame, as the admins are not omniscient and can't watch and judge all of us. Or so we think... :3)