Author Topic: Hellooooooo  (Read 62 times)

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Offline Oppiser

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« on: January 22, 2012, 01:10:49 AM »
I play rdn for 1 years i enjoy it so much
I always report troll minge rdmer my name is Mr.Toaster in game i register new account becuase that name is not cool name.My name in real life its Peace.
Im from Thailad my English sucks im 13 years old i online only on Friday-Sunday hope to see you guys on ttt server.

Asking you guys something i  play for 1 year if i request a reg you guys think that i will get it

Add me on friend list if you want.

And i just know how to resgister on site so i just resgister at 3 mounth ago but i resgiste mynew account just today :)
Thanks for reading hope to see you guys in ttt server

Offline cogsandspigots

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Re: Hellooooooo
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 10:53:54 AM »
Welcome to RND!

If you want regular, you don't have to wait a year.

You can wait a month or 2, as long as you're active.

Offline TehHank

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Re: Hellooooooo
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2012, 11:16:47 AM »
Hello there an welcome to RND. I Hope you enjoy your stay!

Offline WarEclipseâ„¢

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Re: Hellooooooo
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2012, 06:38:55 PM »
Hello there and welcome to rANdOm forums!!