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--- Quote from: TehHank on January 18, 2012, 09:29:22 AM ---HES MY FUCKING BELOVED APIE GTFO

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Wanna fight about it? My fork vs your fork on the TTT server.. NOW  >:D


--- Quote from: TehHank on January 18, 2012, 09:29:22 AM ---HES MY FUCKING BELOVED APIE GTFO

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Nope,he's mine and always will be mine, you gtfo, kthxbai

Mario, i'm sorry if you feel cheated by that. Although, I just do this for every member because I want them to know they're completely welcome to the rNd Servers; even forums, that is. I can tell you that it's just something I post on mostly newer members' thread(s). Once again, I'm sorry for making you feel that way.



--- Quote from: redeclipse on January 22, 2012, 06:43:51 PM ---Mario, i'm sorry if you feel cheated by that. Although, I just do this for every member because I want them to know they're completely welcome to the rNd Servers; even forums, that is. I can tell you that it's just something I post on mostly newer members' thread(s). Once again, I'm sorry for making you feel that way.


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LOL, mate. I was just kidding!  :))

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Apie2 on January 18, 2012, 08:25:57 AM --- He posts that on every New Member thread thing.

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