Feeling Lost? (Read Only) > New Member Introductions!


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Hai thar  :redpacmanghost: My name is Martin, and I love to play TTT, and I loved the TTT server here so I joined! Many of you TTT players might know me as either Martin, or My Dad, or Bob The Son and Robin | Helper of Batman or something! ;) One thing I'm a bit dissapointed of is the lack of admins on TTT, always a shitgrief head that rdms here and nobody is there to help -_-''

anyways! Here I am xD

Wrong castle


--- Quote from: Rocket50 on January 14, 2012, 07:47:13 AM ---Wrong castle

--- End quote ---
buy new castle

Dale Feles:
Hello, feel free to add me on steam and warn me if ever there's minges on TTT. We don't have a lot of admins beacause most of them are busy in real life with jobs/school work.

You sound familiar but I'm not quite sure.


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