My god
I'm not sure who I should be mad at here.
I had to think about just denying this report altogether because EVERYONE is acting like a retard.
after some more thinking.
This is what's happening:
Lazarus is banned for
2 months because of enormous disrespect to people, RDM and ghosting. Note that your insulting of the servers which I have witnessed personally does not have any effect on this punishment.
You sould be happy that you're not permabanned.
The others ... well I'll talk to the people personally.
Some more comments:
Still this report sounds like you getting perma banned since a majority approve of this Report. So if you if want you can appeal or contact an admin like tezuni said. 
No not at all.
The "sounds" of the report do not matter much when deciding for a punishment unless they're supplied with PROOF.
Even reports with tons of -1s can still get approved.
This is why there's a big sticky saying that posts don't matter much in the report section.
he called our server a shithole, and now comes here to try not to get banned
That is his OPINION.
Yes, he can voice it better, but if he thinks his penis is larger when saying stuff like that, so be it.
Thanks for the report.