Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

MetaHaze's Reg Application 1-12-12

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--- Quote from: Eion Kilant 739 on January 14, 2012, 04:36:59 AM ---I did not expect such uselessly fancy images.

As for you, I know I've seen you on the servers although I don't recall much. You certanly have not been acting like a dumbass or a jerk, but I don't have much else to say.

While I can't realy say much, I will caution the other people from over-emphasizing the pictures. They do show effort on his part but they in themselves are not a reason to approve this application.

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First, everyone can make whatever they want with their votes.

Second, those images must have been made by him, and them uploaded to a web, and after that linked each one in his application.

That is a lot of work, and is something you don't see too frequent


--- Quote from: memo3300 on January 14, 2012, 05:44:19 AM ---First, everyone can make whatever they want with their votes.

Second, those images must have been made by him, and them uploaded to a web, and after that linked each one in his application.

That is a lot of work, and is something you don't see too frequent

--- End quote ---

Yea I made them with Photoshop, thanks memo :)

And Eion, most of the +1s for this app are nothing to do with the pictures lol

Meta you're a great dude, love playin with ya. Fun guy, never causes problems! :thumbsup:


Talk to an admin in-game to get your Regular.


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