Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

MetaHaze's Reg Application 1-12-12

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Very good app and a nice and friendly player in-game.  :thumbsup:

Thanks again guys :)

I appreciate you all taking your time to read and reply to my  :redenvelope:  ;D

 Very nice guy who makes an awesome third partner for me and foofoojack :thumbsup:

Mature and great! Glad to have him on RND, definitely ready and mature enough for regular.   :thumbsup:

Eion Kilant 739:
I did not expect such uselessly fancy images.

As for you, I know I've seen you on the servers although I don't recall much. You certanly have not been acting like a dumbass or a jerk, but I don't have much else to say.

While I can't realy say much, I will caution the other people from over-emphasizing the pictures. They do show effort on his part but they in themselves are not a reason to approve this application.


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