Application of César:
Name: César Augusto Bohn Noll
InGame Name: César
Age: 15
Country: Brazil
Languages I speak: Portuguese (of course), English, German and other languages.
My future: Mechanical Engineer and show my knowledge to the world with my projects. One day will hear my name somewhere, that's right !

Steam ID: 76561198024817033
Games on Steam: Garry's Mod, Counter-Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source, Team Fortress 2, and Alien Swarm RUSE.
No-Steam Games: GTA San Andreas and online, Populous, etc..
Servers that game in the RND server: TTT, Wire Build, Flood, Zombie Survival, Winter Survival, Sleed Construct.
Friendly: Yes
Many friends: Yes.
What do you like: Pizza, PlayStation, computers, vehicles,etc.
What you do not like: Suckers who get pissed me off, are making fun of me and dislike inequality. (need to talk about anything else?)

Why do you want to be VIP: Maintaining order in the server, shut the mouths of others when using the microphone with those fucking sounds, kick players who disrupt the other players with props, etc. and make fun.