Just when you think some people are friendly and understanding...
1. Player's SteamIDSTEAM_0:1:38742694
2. Players Nickname007/̵͇̿̿/̿'̿̿'̿̿ ̿"
3. Your in-game nameBullet Freeman
4. Server nameTrouble in Terrorist Town, ttt_rooftops
5. Description of the event(s)So i was playing for a little bit and, and 007 propclimbed on the roof of a building and said he is nocliping, i warned him not to do it, but he did it again, i would of let this go if he was nice and apolgised but nope, he had to be a douhe, shasta was also involved but im gonna leave him out of this
i always though 007 was a nice person
6. Reason for banPropclimbing, being a douch, claiming to hack.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)Screnshots
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