Restricted (Read Only) > VIPs

We need to add something too REGULARS AND VIP'S

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In the "How To: VIP or Regular" We need to add something that says
"Do not go and bug others about posting in your application!" of course in all caps

Because it first I was ok with people asking me, but now everyone keeps asking me over and over and over to post in there app.

I don't usually get asked too, but anyways, I don't think we should.

For one, it may be annoying, but it's not that hard to say something along the lines that you're not going to post on their application now that they've asked,

Secondly, it helps differentiate the people who aren't being a bit immature about it, asking everyone to post in their apps, when compared to those mature players who have a nice application and don't ask for an input.

Finally, it's not really a requirement rather then common sense, and I personally want to know if said player has common sense and if they're mature.

People don't ask me to post in their apps.  :'(

If they did, I'd just paste the chat log and nothing more.


--- Quote from: Deacon on January 05, 2012, 11:29:55 PM ---People don't ask me to post in their apps.  :'(

If they did, I'd just paste the chat log and nothing more.

--- End quote ---

LOL I see what you did thar

If they ask nicely enough once and do not spam me with it and I know them enough I might consider it.

If they keep spamming me ovr and over with 'HAY PLZ PUT POST IN MY APP LOL  :)) :hellokitty: ::) ??? :dukenukem: then I will probably -1 it.


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