TMB525 - STEAM_0:1:25672567
Hey Guys,
I'd like to put in an application to become a regular.
I first discovered Random Servers about 2 months ago. I didn't pay much attention to them. Then I started looking about a week after towards them.
I love the creativity of the gametypes. No USUAL Deathruns, Bhop, Climb, Jailbreak, etc. Things like Sledding, Zombies, Racing, Etc. are awesome! Since then I've been a regular on the servers, but not being a troll. I'm a nice, fun loving gamer who'd love to get some privileges on Random Servers. Thanks!
Age : 14
Servers : All the Garrysmod Ones ( Sledding Mostly, Rest Occasionally )
Location : San Diego, CA, USA
In-Game Name : TMB525 ( previously Taybarnes525 )
Time Online : Pacific Time - Anywhere between 10AM - 10PM Weekends, Anywhere 4PM- 10PM Weekdays
Birthday : 6/21/1997
Contact : Add me on Steam
Games : HL2, GMod, All of the Counter Strikes, Portal, TF2
Contributions : Helping People Understand the Servers

Thanks Again.
- TMB525