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My case against traitor baiting


Traitor baiting

I don't like to "brag" about having a knife like that.
For one, there is the possibility that someone who is ignorant to the fact I killed a T will kill me, thus ruining both the chance for to gain more karma and ruining his karma.
Second, I don't like to let the other traitors know I have a knife. They'll be more cautious if they do know, and most likely will target me first.
Along with it ruining people's karma, having your knife out just isn't smart at all..

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Ἆxule on January 04, 2012, 10:42:20 PM ---I don't like to "brag" about having a knife like that.
For one, there is the possibility that someone who is ignorant to the fact I killed a T will kill me, thus ruining both the chance for to gain more karma and ruining his karma.
Second, I don't like to let the other traitors know I have a knife. They'll be more cautious if they do know, and most likely will target me first.
Along with it ruining people's karma, having your knife out just isn't smart at all..

--- End quote ---

This. Seen a lot of people holding knives out like that when innocent, and they always end up getting killed by another inno. I think holding knives out like that in public should warrant a kick. It would prevent karma loss.

When someone is brandishing their knife at others, it's fairly obvious that they're only attempting to bait them.

mfw foofoojack said grrgrgrgrgrgrgrgr and i was like


lost 500 karma

atleast 2 guys gave me karma :D, they raged, much.


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