Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Ciao Time's Regular Application 03/01/12

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Haven't had any problems with him, and along with that, I've never heard anything bad from him.

+ he put some effort into his application.

I believe he deserves it.


Bullet Freeman:
YES!  :thumbsup:

mature and funny

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Ἆxule on January 05, 2012, 01:02:53 AM ---Haven't had any problems with him, and along with that, I've never heard anything bad from him.

+ he put some effort into his application.

I believe he deserves it.


--- End quote ---

Asuna Yuuki:
 :thumbsup: Played with him on ZS, I think it was. Great Player accepts rules.

well, it must just be me!
this guy is not nice (to be modest), consistent mic harassment in-game, which often leads to me dying early in ttt due to him calling me out every round multiple times under any circumstance




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