Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
Ciao Time's Regular Application 03/01/12
Figured I'd try again. As before, the worst that could happen is this gets unapproved, so I figure there's no harm done. A lot of this will be reposted from my previous Regular application: I'll just update some of the more outdated info and add a few notes near the end.
Ciao Time's Regular Application!
Steam: Ciao Time (I don't give the account name due to security reasons/it's embarassing. :V)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15377047
In-Game Name: Ciao Time
Time online: I'll be working a lot of overtime for the next 3 months, so I'm not entirely sure of my schedule then. For now, though, I've been killing a lot of night hours on the RND TTT server. Pacific Time, any day of the week.
Servers: Trouble In Terrorist Town
Age: 26 (Woo.)
Birthday: December 9, 1985. I feel old.
Games (on Steam): Well, here's the list. There's plenty. Every Valve game to date included.
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: A lot of what I said in my previous regular application still applies. However, a few things have changed since then:
-I've pumped in significantly more hours/week onto the RND server then when I had written the initial application. Reason being is that I still believe this is one of the only remaining "good" servers left out there. I can't remember what TTT was like without permakarma. It's so niiiiice.
-The Novs server I mentioned before is now gone for good.
-I still have a low B.S. tolerancy, but (hopefully) not to the point of being considered a mean-spirited person. (Except with Tezuni.) (Long story.) I'm here to have fun, basically, and regular status to me is just a nice little token to show that I'm here to stay.
In layman's terms: I want the ability to partake in votekicks. I'm not here to brag about reg status or anything.
Contributions to RND: I play on the server a lot. A lot.
Haven't been too in-depth with the forum, and at this point in time I honestly can't say that I plan on increasing my forum activity level. I'm here for the TTT server, and the kindness/hilariousness of the community is all just a great, big bonus for me.
If you want to contact me for anything, fire me a Steam message on my profile. Comments are set to open!
Cheers, guys. Even Tezuni.
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!
Very Funny and is online quit frequently .... so far didnt make any mistakes....... Great Guy :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Dark Pacifist:
He accepts responsibility if he rdms has been on often and is typically respectful to everyone. I've only seen him react negatively to mass rdmers and Tezuni.
--- Quote from: Dark Pacifist on January 04, 2012, 12:38:06 AM ---He accepts responsibility if he rdms has been on often and is typically respectful to everyone. I've only seen him react negatively to mass rdmers and Tezuni.
--- End quote ---
Ciao is an alright guy from what I know, as I see him in-game a lot, and from what I have saw, he has made no mistakes yet, I don't recall him ever RDMing, and pretty reasonable when it comes to RDMs. :thumbsup:
Hell yeah, funny guy, mature, knows the rules. Should have been accepted a long time ago, :thumbsup:
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