Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Tabitha's VIP application 1/2/12

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--- Quote from: Apie2 on January 07, 2012, 03:49:32 AM ---Uhmm no  :thumbsdown:,10863.0.html

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Yeah, I was gonna post +1, you were cool in my books, Tabbie, but uh...

That's not cool at all. :thumbsdown:


--- Quote from: Frank on January 07, 2012, 04:28:58 AM ---Yeah, I was gonna post +1, you were cool in my books, Tabbie, but uh...

That's not cool at all. :thumbsdown:

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i understand you were mad at bullet, but you shouldnt let people get to you like that.
Just ignore and dont get pissed at them.
ALSO i have never seen you in game, well on the servers i play on  which are TTT ZS and Stronghold
for now  :thumbsdown:


--- Quote from: Alkaline on January 06, 2012, 05:26:10 PM ---Very friendly in-game.
And from what others say and her reg app,
she has been here for a long time.


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--- Quote from: Apie2 on January 07, 2012, 03:49:32 AM ---Uhmm no  :thumbsdown:,10863.0.html

--- End quote ---

I have a hard time believe a bunch of pasted text. It would be so easy to just cut out / edit a few lines to completely bias the whole report.
I can only believe that chat log if a picture was taken of it.
And especially when coolz was there.
That's the reason why it was unapproved.

I think people should start becoming aware of the validity of evidence before making an educated opinion.
Especially in the generation where most information exists virtually and can be edited easily.

And even if there was a picture of chat, it wouldn't hurt to check if it had been photo doctored.

I think I'm going to go with a  :thumbsdown: because I've never seen her on the servers and mainly because of the report that was made on her, whether it was denied or not.

She used her being friends with coolz to act power hungry and act like she had control of who could play and who couldn't. Wirebuild is a public server and if coolz turned on deathmatch so you could play around, there's nothing that should stop him from playing it too. I believe if coolz wanted it private, he would've locked the server. Hence, I don't see how Tabitha was in any position to tell Freeman he could't play and to get out.

I personally don't see what Freeman did wrong to be harassed by them. I believe if she was VIP she probably would've kicked or banned Freeman out of rage, which would've been abuse.

Also, to the fact coolz didn't do anything - no offense to coolz, but I feel he could've looked over it since she is his friend. Most regulars that behave like that would be demoted.

Honestly, if I read that report and I was in Sabb's position, she wouldn't be regular right now. That's just my opinion, regardless of the fact coolz didn't do anything about it.


--- Quote ---(Reg) Bullet Freeman: who ever gave you reg
(Reg) .:RND`=-Tabitha De La Ellisair: Coolz :3
(Reg) .:RND`=-Tabitha De La Ellisair: I deserved it more than you that's for sure.

--- End quote ---

That's pretty damn arrogant...


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