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Tabitha's VIP application 1/2/12
Hello all,
My NAME:Tabitha O.
Age: 18 Turning 19 on the 26/6 (day then month)
My Time online: I am usually on a erver or 2 for at least 2 or 3 hours each day, I find it easy to get on the servers so
if people need my help ever I can usually get there pretty fast, And I am reliable.
I've been on RND since Reg had chances to vote kick etc...Which I THINK was around 2008-2009 ish.
Time Zone:GMT+11 *We are currently in DAYLIGHT SAVINGS but when we're not it's GMT+10*
Location: I live in Melbourne,Australia. I find no lag on the rnd server's and when I do get it it's either DDOSS or
someone d/lin Porn in my house >:O!
I usually play on Sled Build, TTT, Wire Build and Fretta.
My name is .:~RND`=-Tabitha De La Ellisair (I sometimes change the Ellisair part o3o)
This is my steam profile:
Why I should be VIP: I find that the rnd community is the best place to have fun and play with fair players! I find that
even the unsavoury people can be avoided and that when/if I get VIP I can help keep the server safe from minges/UNWANTED
bronies, I am not saying all bronies are bad.
Why I want to be VIP: I feel that it is time for me to go up the ladder of rank in the RND community and I'd like to see
what the others feel whether I am ready or not. I am a fair player and I think that if I become VIP I will be a valuable
addition to the team. I have plenty of time and I don't play many other games.
1.If someone is mic spamming and annoying people I will ask them to mute the player...
2.If someone is hacking and aimbotting etc...I will instantly give a vote ban.
2.Then if I have enough evidence report this player.
3.If someone is holding up the round on deathrun I ask them to stop and if they don't vote kick.
3.If they come back and continue vote ban.
4.If someone is constantly suiciding as Death in Deathrun, I will ask them to stop. If they don't vote kick.
4.If they come back and continue I shall vote ban their ass.
5.If someone is prop pushing flood, I will ask them to stop and if they don't I'll vote kick.
5.If they come back and continue then vote ban, No one likes an ass.
6.If people are money rounding then I will ask them to get the match over and don't do it again.
6.If they continue then vote ban. Money rounding is quite abusive and easily averted.
7.If someone is killing fellow T's on TTT then that would be considered RDM right? So I will warn and if they continue
I will vote Ban them.
8.If someone is RDMING the detective as innocent I will ask them to stop and apologise to the people they've been mean to.
8.If they continue then vote ban. Rdming is against the rules and RDMING is a major rule break that needs to be dealt with.
9.If someone is glitching or taking advantage of a glitch I will ask them to stop and if they don't I will vote kick.
9.If they come back and continue and tell everyone about it then I will vote ban them.
10.If someone is using a name changer...I will attempt in vote banning them and if I am unable I will /gl some help or
contact a known admin over steam.
11.If someone is constantly bullying or dissin one of my bro's or some person who did nothing to cause it I will ask them to stop
being mean and apologise and if they don't I will vote kick them. If they keep doing it I will vote ban for being an asshole.
Contributions much? Well, whenever someone has needed an admin and don't know how to call them I would do so and then let the
admins know and request their helping.
Things I have done in game:I have a fantastic imagination many people tell me, I often build stuff that I think is fun and cool.
I like to build and I win often in sled build...Although when I am ingame I have to put up with some american's being douchey to
one of my friends just cause he hangs out with girls etc. I tell admins when things are going wrong like when people are spamming
objects in sled build etc. In game I usually try to have fun and avoid scenes with other people.
Games I have on Steam,Well if I must list ALL of them >:P then Here:
Alice:Madness Returns
Amnesia:The Dark Descent
Beat Hazard
Day Of Defeat:Source
Garry's Mod
Half-Life 2
Half-Life2:Episode one
Half-Life2:Episode Two
Half-Life2:Episode Three :D (Jk lol -.-
Half-Life2:Lost Coast
League Of Legends
Left 4 Dead 2
Mirrors Edge
Myth Story
Portal 2
Recettear:An Item shop's tale
Saints Row 2
Saints Row:The third
Team Fortress 2
Counter-Strike:Source Beta
Rise of immortals (Gay ass game)
Spiral Knights
Team Fortress 2 Beta
Ways of Contact:Quickest way to contact me would be Steam.
My Friends ACTIVE on RND:
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=
.:~RND`=- Hotgreensoldier
.:~RND`=- Tomcat
.:~RND`=-Raiyu ( :D )
DriftKiller [SWAT]
My BackGround:
I grew up in melbourne,First I lived in Lalor then moved to Melbourne. I live in a 2 story house.
I used to live with my mother,father and brother with my grandfather close by. My Grandmother died when I was 4.
My parents divorced and I ended up living with my dad. My brother looks out for me and supports me. My Grandfather has a
VERY VERY VERY annoying dog. My Grandfather recently went to hospital due to 2 slow heart attacks and many blood clots in many
area's and recently had surgery. It was successful though :D
Now I have a cat and she is so cute!
Thank you very much for reading this! I put time and effort into my app and tried to make it was simple and as neat as possible.
I hope you approved of how I went around this o3o
And Thank's Don! You were a big ass help <3
I'm eager to see Tabitha's help used here in rNd as a VIP!
:thumbsup: from me :)
A very good player in wirebuild for a long time. ( yes i played wirebuild long time ago like ages )
Mr. Franklin:
She's been here for more than 2 years i believe, she has a very nice attitude and is polite when you speak with her. She is on wirebuild when most of us are asleep, because her timezone is very different than ours. :thumbsup:
Very friendly in-game.
And from what others say and her reg app,
she has been here for a long time.
Uhmm no :thumbsdown:,10863.0.html
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