Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Zoovigger Ban Appeal.

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--- Quote from: zoovigger on December 27, 2011, 08:34:57 AM ---Will a screenshot of my source ban help? But his reason just says a...

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Fun Fact: Moo would put the reason as "a" when he banned players so that the players would come to him and ask him what he did (assuming they didn't obviously know.) That's what I was told.


--- Quote from: Ἆxule on December 27, 2011, 02:00:27 PM ---Fun Fact: Moo would put the reason as "a" when he banned players so that the players would come to him and ask him what he did (assuming they didn't obviously know.) That's what I was told.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much this. He banned people like that so he could know who actually wanted to play in our server instead of people who just come, minge/rdm, and leave.

Ah ok... So I should contact Moo then?

Looks like you should, it would be nice if you get him to post on here, or ss of him saying what you did on steam chat.

Basically, if he says you have hacked or threatened the servers, you are screwed. (but idk since it have been a year)

If he says he doesn't remember and probably just banned you because he was in a bad mood, then you probably will get the unban.

I doubt Moo is going to remember ONE PERSON that he banned a year ago.

Personally, I would say let him off. This guy has been banned longer than most of you have even been playing here.


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