Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Zoovigger Ban Appeal.

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In-Game Name:Zoovigger
server:.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -TTT- Troll Cubed (^3)
Invoked On: 10-29-10 01:01
Length of Ban: Permanent
Reason to be Unbanned: I was banned from the server for RDM. Unfortunately I was a noob back then, but I don't  :troll: or do anything ridiculous or stupid anymore. I would like to be unbanned because I feel I have learned my lesson(Seeing as I have been banned for a whole year 10-29-10 01:01). I really want to become a member of rANdOm and enjoy playing TTT on their again.

Soo you got banned by moo...

uh oh...

Hmmmm I think everyone deserves a second chance, I mean this was OVER A YEAR AGO and a small rdm, was it? If it was MASS RDM then that might be why it was for so long...
But i think you should get a second chance

Soo... any1 would mind asking moo what he did? Because i doubt he would ban someone permantly for some RDM.


--- Quote from: memo3300 on December 26, 2011, 09:39:48 AM ---Soo... any1 would mind asking moo what he did? Because i doubt he would ban someone permantly for some RDM.

--- End quote ---

It was likely hacks, and we have 0 tolerance for hacking.
However, if it's been over a year, I'm sure he's changed.
Not my decision though.


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