1. Attacking other communities will not be permitted here, this includes flaming, trolling and causing drama.
2. Do not derail or bump old threads without a reason.
3. Do not leak other peoples information or identification without permission - this means you won't give away some-one's name, address, number etc, without their premission
4. We have a zero tolerance troll policy. Do not troll.
5. Attacking other members of the community is certainly not permitted - this means you won't flame or troll another member.
6. Do not shitpost - this means you should post something relevant to the thread, not "cool" or "
7. Posting adult material or links to adult websites is not allowed - No p**n videos, pictures or anything like that.
8. Watch what you write. And watch it twice. It might be a joke to you, but it might be offensive for others.
9. Do not not thumbs up or down on Ban/Appeal/Application without stating the reason. (Comes with rule 6)
Failure to abide the rules:First Offence: First warning.
Second Offence: Second warning.
Third Offence: Third warning.
Fourth Offence: 3 day ban
Fifth Offence: One week ban
Sixth Offence: One month ban
Post here if you want something added.
Any suggestions will be welcomed.