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How to fix Wraiths on ZS!! (Flashlight not their spazing when they die)

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Shawny </3:
Yeah i know its old but...

function NoDraw(pl)
local r, g, b, a = pl:GetColor()
if a <= 1 then return true end



--- Quote from: Gangrelion on May 21, 2012, 07:21:55 PM ---Yeah i know its old but...

function NoDraw(pl)
local r, g, b, a = pl:GetColor()
if a <= 1 then return true end


--- End quote ---

Oh man

Lua really helps on a clientsided bug due to in-game settings.

You sure helped a lot of people.

It's not like you had to read the thread or anything to know what he was talking about.

Shawny </3:

--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 21, 2012, 08:03:01 PM ---Oh man

Lua really helps on a clientsided bug due to in-game settings.

You sure helped a lot of people.

It's not like you had to read the thread or anything to know what he was talking about.

--- End quote ---
put that on the wraith >_>


--- Quote from: Gangrelion on May 21, 2012, 10:06:01 PM --- put that on the wraith >_>

--- End quote ---

Let me put it in a way your babby brain could understand.

This thread wasn't talking about server-sided lua, that affects how the wraith shadows work.

This thread was talking about a clientsided bug caused by graphics settings that prevented dynamic shadows from ANY PLAYER to even show up on their computer.

Read the entire thread next time before saying something so stupid and try to act like you're some hotshot who knows the solution to everything.

Shawny </3:

--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on May 21, 2012, 10:19:04 PM ---Let me put it in a way your babby brain could understand.

This thread wasn't talking about server-sided lua, that affects how the wraith shadows work.

This thread was talking about a clientsided bug caused by graphics settings that prevented dynamic shadows from ANY PLAYER to even show up on their computer.

Read the entire thread next time before saying something so stupid and try to act like you're some hotshot who knows the solution to everything.

--- End quote ---
"How to fix Wraiths on ZS!! (Flashlight not their spazing when they die)"

The thing I gave you was to not draw shadows. Place it at the players crap and boom. No shadow for wraith.

Also, Quit assuming and bitching at everything I say.


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