Hi again. Sorry if there was a waiting period for making another one, but I asked around and there wasn't one in place. So I'm gonna try to apply for Regular again

Steam name:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/SonarioSteam ID:
In-Game Name:
Time online:
I play mostly in the afternoons/nights, or whenever my connection is being reliable to play on a server.
Primarily TTT, but I'll hop onto Stronghold every once in a while
April 13, 1991
Games (on Steam):
TF2, L4D1 and 2, GMod, Killing Floor, Cave Story+, Shank, Jamestown
San Bernardino, California; USA
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I want to join Regular mostly because I love playing on the servers and with the people on it. I want to be able to help the VIPs as a Reg by helping in the kick bans/votes when someone starts breaking the rules.
Contributions to RND:
I've made a few reports for problems on the TTT servers.
If you want to contact me for anything, either add me on Steam or use any of the following:http://steamcommunity.com/id/SonarioI'm reached easier through Steam, but if something comes up, my email is sonloveslisc@gmail.com
Thanks for reading through my app, and if you could, also say why I either do or don't deserve Regular. Thanks