and its a video game where else am i going to act like that ._.
Seriously? I know some of my friends like to act a little kid-like and shit but THIS? SO just because it's a video game
you think you have the right just going around acting like a damn idiot and being immature? Occasionally is fine but all the time is just a big no.
1.I never see you around like NEVER.
2.You seem well known for your minginess...
3.Even though that KHMARIE person knows you're joking some people can find it offensive and bottle it up inside. Some people are too afraid to speak up aswell..
And if you're going to act like a fuckin idiot please do it somewhere else because no one here likes fuckin annoying ass people who think just cause they don't get
enough attention at home think they can get all the attention they want on a video game well go to a minge r us community in the mean time

So not impressed.