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Seb's VIP ApplicationDoxNameSebastian CafieroAge16, BD 11/22/95In RND sincePlayed on friend's account as "Totally Not Horny" mid-November 2009, played as myself around Christmas 2009Times onlineSeverely varying, but most likely active over the afternoon to evening or evening to early morningTime ZoneUSA: EST -5Servers I mostly play onStronghold, Zombie Survival, Fretta, TTTIngame NameAny variation of "Swesson"Steam Name and ProfileToasty_Powerhttp://steamcommunity.com/id/herptillyouderpSteam IDSTEAM_0:1:26597628VIP Info"Why should we let YOU be VIP?"1. Very patient with people2. Generally well-liked3. Will try to react to as many calls for help as I can.4. Was Respected before the rank changes5. Only reported for abuse once, earned my respected back6. Really not enough VIPs on ZS/TTT7. I pinky-pwomise I won't be a VRP (very retarded person)Why I want to be VIPTo help the admins and other VIPs, who can't be everywhere at once. And to show the newbies mah authoritee. Plus, PINK FONT <3 <3 <3SituationsSomebody (human) is breaking the barricade in ZS1. Remind them (rudely or not, it depends on what my mood is and how far along in the game we are) wtf the barricade is supposed to do2. Continue, warn3. Moar, kick4. I will NOT voteban, but if they keep doing it for the following matches I will reportKilling other humans as human1A. If trying to push or slowly hurting the player, tell them to stop (go straight to two)1B. If instantly killing the player or successfully pushing them off, lol for a little and then warn them (go straight to three)2. If continuing to hurt/push player, warn them (now go forward as regularly)3. If does it again, votekick4. Again, voteban5. Moar, voteban and reportUber prop-spam1. Warn them to stop spamming props and tell them to clean it all up2. If refuses to clean it up or continues to spam, votekick3. Continues, voteban4. Moar, report and votebanTraitor on Traitor violence/calling out1. Ask them why they did it. If it was an accident or after the other traitor tried to kill them, leave it alone and tell them to not do it again.2. If it happens again, accident or not, warn them3. Again, votekick4. Again, voteban5. Once more, voteban and reportGeneric RDM1. Warn2. Kick3. Warn4. Kick again5. Ban and reportRDMing the detective as an innocent1. Ask the person why they killed the detective. If it was because the Detective was RDMing, leave it alone and follow RDM procedure for Detective2. If they just did it to be a smug little prick, tell them not to do it again3. If they do it again, votekick4. Continues, voteban5. Continue, voteban and reportSomeone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and ZS)1. Tell the person to stop glitching and give instructions on how to suicide.2. If they don't have console activated, tell them to rejoin the server on give instructions on how3. If they don't want to do that, warn them4. When all else fails, votekickSomeone is using a name changerI would try to ban the name changer by myself in the server, and if that's not possible, I would get the SteamID and report the subject to an admin.Someone is using an aimbot1. I would keep an eye on them. Get SteamID. If it's just skill: I'd tell the people that just because someone is good, doesn't mean they use aimbots.2. If aimbot is DEFINITELY assured (say, killing four fast headcrabs in mid-flight with the deagle while falling, then headshotting a normal zombie from across the map with the deagle while jumping), ask them to stop.3. If they refuse to stop, votekick4. They come back and continue, voteban5. Continue, voteban and reportSomeone is using speedhacks1. If it happens once, keep a close eye on them2. If it's glaringly obvious, I use the procedure for aimbotSomeone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her goneTell people to mute him/her. If chat spam, follow procedure below (without calling them an asshole)Someone is being an asshole1. Tell them to stop being such an asshole and grow up2. If they're using voicechat, just tell offended parties to mute him3. If using typechat, warn them to stop.4. If still doesn't stop, votekick5. If comes back and still doesn't stop, voteban6. Ban and ReportPRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING BOILS DOWN TO THIS:1. Warn a variable number of times2. Kick a variable number of times3. Ban4. ReportMiscellaneous InfoGames I have (on Steam):Garry's ModTeam Fortress 2Left 4 Dead 2BorderlandsKilling FloorGrand Theft Auto IVQuake III Arena and Team ArenaAll of Half-Life 2Counter-Strike: SourcePortalMethods to contact me:E-Mail: typhoonmaniac@gmail.com or essissi@gmail.comFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/iS922iXBox Live: AdmiralAckbarFT (my XBL is expired right now)Thanks to Don for reference to this app and everybody who +1's this app and not just because "Oh, look, he made another application. I'm just gonna +1 this to shut him up."