Hey rANdOm players
My lovely Steam name:babybird
Steam Id:# 68 "babybird" STEAM_0:0:23692956 02:16
Time I spend on servers:Usualy from 4-5 hours a day maby an extra hour at nightime or so.
Servers I tend to play:I Tend to play on zombie survival ALOT for somereason i try to play TTT but gmod crashes which is a pain.
Age:15 years
old young
Birthday:1st of November
My Games list:I actually have alot of games most of them havent been updated to even installed but here goes a list:
Garry's Mod
Counterstrike source
Left 4 dead
Left 4 dead 2
Fear Collection
and much more
Where I live:Land of the sheep

New Zealand.
Why I would like to be a Reg?I would like to be a Reg to help new-comers with all the guidelines to the server, how woud you like it if a
new person came and cade break your cade " :'("
I would also like to have the Reg tools that you can have and last but not least help
out admins,vips with problems or voting for people that dont abide rules
What have i given to Rnd:Besides my kills to zombies and my nails from my hammer i havent actually given alot to rnd but i would be happier to do anything for the community
If you would like to give me a buzz:Add "babybird" to your steam im looking forward to your messages