Discussion / Re: Long time ago '09 '10 ish
« Last post by HideoKojima on August 24, 2016, 01:00:43 PM »What has happened through the years? Is it just money that is the issue or is it a declining interest in GMod or lack of time?
I will be studying for a couple of years now and I have a great connection (1gb/1gb fiber) but I'm located in Sweden. I don't have much time to put on Random but I would love to help out getting some servers up. I have hardware that I can spare for a server that can host a couple of GMod servers, is this of interest?
Combination of things. Over saturation of TTT servers and (sadly) people don't like vanilla servers. They want lots of D/T weapons and to be able to donate for hats and skins.
"Is there no interest in giving it another try?" Last year, or early this year, there was a cool gimmick of uncommon to rare weapons with different stats like Borderlands every round, server became activish, but it crashed somewhat often, and people kinda stopped playing cause of that. :/