I pick my nose, I masturbate almost every single day(although I'm kinda stopping).
nothing wrong with thisYes wrong, because I do it because I feel I need it. And addictions are never good.
I sit in bed all day
(yes i consider that a bad habit)
Yes wrong, because I do it because I feel I need it. And addictions are never good.I suppose so, but still lol
Smoking, Chewing on things im not supposed to like my necklace or something, and umm
I swear a lot.This
I swear a lot.swearing is for fucking retards.
Fap too much,also.This ):
Sit in my room too much,
And most of all:
Thinking pervertedly most of the time.
^I hate this ):
Thinking pervertedly most of the time.For example,
^I hate this ):
For example,are you stalking me my WHOLE LIFE
Today i was sitting in my school gymnasium and the whole school was there.
I thought to my self
"What would happen if i took my pants off and ran around.."
Or imagining random people naked.
Forgetfulness. :cthis
For example,
Today i was sitting in my school gymnasium and the whole school was there.
I thought to my self
"What would happen if i took my pants off and ran around.."
Or imagining random people naked.
Thinking pervertedly most of the time.
^I hate this ):
How old are you? Anywhere from 13-18 (well really any age) its a natural thing to be a bit perverted due to the hormones and what not. Picturing ppl naked is just part of that. The running around naked just makes you a goof :Di feel better now
I pick my nose, I masturbate almost every single day(although I'm kinda stopping).
staying at the computer for 5-7 hours at a time.
Hurting myself.
Not in a horrible fucked up cutting myself way LOL
But I pick the skin off the side of my thumbs all the time..to the point where it bleeds. When I see it bleed, I get happy, and I dig more making it worse and worse. Then I stop, let the blood get dry and keep going. Once I think it's deep enough, I move onto the next space on my thumb that I can dig into more.
The more painful and the more blood I see, the more I get happy. Then I stop though after my fulfillment.
I've tried to stop but it's really hard.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
oh that reminds meI actually do that too lol.
i chew on the inside of my mouth, and it bleeds sometimes :I
I actually do that too lol.I have braces, and sometimes they'll rip at my gums and sometimes I will pick at it when I'm bored LOL...I masturbate 4-8 times a day.
oh that reminds me
i chew on the inside of my mouth, and it bleeds sometimes :I
You start chewing on the loose, chewy skin, right? And it just gets to the point where you start ripping off the insides of your cheeks to the point where it bleeds?
This thread actually makes me feel better about my flaws.
It makes me realize that a lot of people are a lot like me.
I'm not just a weirdo. We're all weirdo's at some point.
Hurting myself.
Not in a horrible fucked up cutting myself way LOL
But I pick the skin off the side of my thumbs all the time..to the point where it bleeds. When I see it bleed, I get happy, and I dig more making it worse and worse. Then I stop, let the blood get dry and keep going. Once I think it's deep enough, I move onto the next space on my thumb that I can dig into more.
The more painful and the more blood I see, the more I get happy. Then I stop though after my fulfillment.
I've tried to stop but it's really hard.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I help myself remember things by drawing pictures on my arms.... Is. This. Wrong.
Oh god, I also talk to myself.Awesome.
oh that reminds meand i thought i was in a bad situation
i chew on the inside of my mouth, and it bleeds sometimes :I
Talking to myself when walking/bored. 'Eating' my lips. Eating my fingernails. :l??? thats the most horrible thing EVER
Also, i eat my skin around my fingers. :l
Fapping (Wish I could stop :( )
Lusting too much (Wish I could stop D:)
We're animals, what do you expect? You see a hot girl, you want to fuck her on the spot. Society tells us it's bad to have primitive, instinctual urges. Not to mention I read somewhere almost 2/3rds of women have rape fantasies, showing even they're just animals.
If I'm agitated or angry, I repeat what I say to myself. No idea why.I do that as well.
I do that as well.
Except that I just about always say everything I type/say again silently to myself.
I tend to leave work at the last minute.
I used to have a bad habit of picking my heel. Now that's gone.
Fuck dat shit. I think I have the strangest habit/thoughts of all.
Sometimes after obtaining stuff/interacting with people, I somehow start automatically thinking about taking advantage/physical abuse of it. Of course I don't/never will follow those thoughts out in real life, but I hate those feelings.
Get a new game, somehow think of my destroying it and forcing parents to buy a new one.
Fucking...wish there was a way of instantly forgetting all of this stuff for good.
Similiar experience.
Mom elbow-deep in sink's garbage disposal trying to fish out fork.
I get sudden urge to turn on garbage disposal.
This isn't really a "bad" habit, but I have this odd habit of thinking out every possible situation resulting from something.
Or I'll overanalyze something someone says, and derive branches of possible motives for it. Sometimes, I can just about predict what someone's about to do next just based on what I know of human nature. But that's a pretty normal skill for everyone.
This isn't really a "bad" habit, but I have this odd habit of thinking out every possible situation resulting from something.
Or I'll overanalyze something someone says, and derive branches of possible motives for it. Sometimes, I can just about predict what someone's about to do next just based on what I know of human nature. But that's a pretty normal skill for everyone.
Fuck dat shit. I think I have the strangest habit/thoughts of all.I fucking do the exact thing.
Sometimes after obtaining stuff/interacting with people, I somehow start automatically thinking about taking advantage/physical abuse of it. Of course I don't/never will follow those thoughts out in real life, but I hate those feelings.
Get a new game, somehow think of my destroying it and forcing parents to buy a new one.
Fucking...wish there was a way of instantly forgetting all of this stuff for good.
My only bad habit is usin druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs
youre so cool. that earned you 9001 cool points. We now think highly of you.
This thread is now about how cool biggaybaby is.Nice sarcasm, but not warranted. I'm only being honest :o
Nice sarcasm, but not warranted. I'm only being honest :oOh my derp.
Oh my derp.
I'm 12 and drugs are kewl.
Oh my derp.My face is inert.
I'm 20 and drugs aren't cool, they're addictive.
My face is inert.[/quote]
You're clearly not getting the point, so time for a brief rant.
If you weren't proud (assuming you do actually do some type of drug), or though that it would make people view you as "cool" or some stupid shit, you wouldn't be mentioning the fact that you do in fact (again assuming that you actually do) consume some drug within your first 10 posts on the forums...
A) You're not lying about your age but you are insecure and you actually do take drugs, and think people will they better of you by it.
B) You are lying about your age and about taking drugs, just to try and look cool?
I'm going to have to buy a new desk now.
More like
A. I'm not proud of it, it's just who I am (an addict)
B. I'm not lying about my age
C. I'm just being thoroughly honest
Believe me, I don't want to be addicted to drugs, and I'm glad to not be actively using at the present time (2 months clean) but once you start going to recover your honesty that you lost when you were a manipulative piece of shit back when you were using.
I'm going to have to buy a new desk now.
It seems to have my face imprinted onto it.
Because for the most part, if you were mature I would assume you wouldn't be talking about consuming drugs as if it were cool or some shit (which you're coming across as), you would probably be more ashamed of it.
Jesus, from when people consider taking drugs makes you cool?
To biggaybaby: you could of said in a well mannered way ''on of my bad habits is taking drugs'' instead of saying ''I take druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggs'' and ''DEAL WITH IT NERD''
To the people on the forum: Don't get mad because he simply said he takes drugs. Just tell him that he sounded like he was ''showing off'' and he could of change his original post, or provide an provide a short, precise argument, instead of typing all thisSpoiler (click to show/hide)
I only tried to present it in a humorous manner. The deal with it nerd was in response to how sarcastically everyone replied, it only makes this community look bad when high ranking members act like that.
I'm sorry that my brutal honesty led you to do that, it does that to people quite a lot.
But if I gave a shit enough to verify my age to you and show you the pictures from when I went to rehab 40 pounds lighter than I am now, I would. (I just don't care to)
I posted my bad habit in the "Bad Habits." thread, just because my habit/addiction isn't something you can believe doesn't mean it's fake and an attempt to seem cool (because addiction isn't cool, it sucks and I would never wish it upon even my worst enemy)
If you never have used drugs, how could you ever assume anything about how an addict thinks? Maybe if you spent a few years of your life addicted to hard drugs and ruining your life (as well as the lives of people you care about) you could see things from my perspective
I never said it was cool, just posted my bad habit
I guess this is fitting here:
I have a problem with drugs, deal with it nerd
The deal with it nerd was in response to how sarcastically everyone replied, it only makes this community look bad when high ranking members act like that.(http://www.randomgs.com/rnd_logo.png)
hurr i do drugs every day i'm so kewl meth is the shit
To me, it didn't look very sarcastic. You should avoid putting these type of comments.
haters gonna hate ::)
With comments like this, of course the higher ranking members will react like this.
Hell, everyone probably will
Tod there is right.
I only reacted like that when other people decided to use sarcasm and try to mock me instead of being honest and saying "hey stop trying to act cool", if they would have replied constructively then I would have replied constructively throughout my posts. I did for the most part anyway excluding the two comments "deal with it nerd" and "haters gonna hate"
Yeah meth was cool for a while until I started experiencing stimulant psychosis and thought there was an armed swat team outside my apartment after being awake for a week, you should try it sometime(http://www.pawsru.org/dis/src/dis9932_facepalm.jpg)
Thanks glad to be here, great community, very accepting of new members and you're all quite polite ;)
What is this I don't even, oh well whatever
haters gonna hate ::)
Thanks glad to be here, great community, very accepting of new members and you're all quite polite ;)Well actually, people usually say that when new people come because of typical things RnD members do. For ex.
The deal with it nerd was in response to how sarcastically everyone replied, it only makes this community look bad when high ranking members act like that.But nonetheless, it could be a just a greeting so double meaning ftw.
Well actually, people usually say that when new people come because of typical things RnD members do. For ex. But nonetheless, it could be a just a greeting so double meaning ftw.
The quote, senior members always make practical jokes :trollface:
this thread is not a flame threadSmoking is bad for you, especially cloves, some people find girls that smoke sexy but I think it's disgusting
Bibgaybaby, just please save yourself the time and hit the "Logout" button under the Random banner.
Excuse me, my name is "biggaybaby"
I don't wear bibs and I can't see the logout button what do I do
Don't worry.
Just keep posting, and an admin will log you out for you eventually.
I'm sorry that my brutal honesty led you to do that, it does that to people quite a lot.Oh lord you are stupid.
But if I gave a shit enough to verify my age to you and show you the pictures from when I went to rehab 40 pounds lighter than I am now, I would. (I just don't care to)
I posted my bad habit in the "Bad Habits." thread, just because my habit/addiction isn't something you can believe doesn't mean it's fake and an attempt to seem cool (because addiction isn't cool, it sucks and I would never wish it upon even my worst enemy)
If you never have used drugs, how could you ever assume anything about how an addict thinks? Maybe if you spent a few years of your life addicted to hard drugs and ruining your life (as well as the lives of people you care about) you could see things from my perspective
I never said it was cool, just posted my bad habit
I guess this is fitting here:
I have a problem with drugs, deal with it nerd
If I pretend to be a cute Asian girl can I stay for just a bit longer?we already have one
Oh lord you are stupid.
First off, you're hypocritical right now implying I've never taken drugs (not saying I have or haven't) when you don't know shit.
For the part of me talking about your behavior at the end of the post, I don't need to be a fucking pothead to know that. That has nothing to do with how much dope someone intakes, it's fucking common sense.
we already have one
If I pretend to be a cute Asian girl can I stay for just a bit longer?
Biggay, flailing around your drug problem isn't cool unless you're 12. It might seem like it at first, but it isn't. Keep it subtle.
I don't believe 12 year olds think drugs are cool, at least I didn't when I was 12. I didn't flail the problem around, I only stated it and explained some aspects of it to defend myself.(http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSc5ISuyvGf20yfS133mZY6OBW97uAkmoeXZD0l3G3O9nQQXuA8QA&t=1)
If I wanted to flail it I would post a comprehensive list of all the drugs I've done, when I've done them, how awesome they are and why it makes me so much more awesome than you that I've done them.
I don't believe 12 year olds think drugs are cool, at least I didn't when I was 12. I didn't flail the problem around, I only stated it and explained some aspects of it to defend myself.
If I wanted to flail it I would post a comprehensive list of all the drugs I've done, when I've done them, how awesome they are and why it makes me so much more awesome than you that I've done them.
>implying I don't
If you mean implying that you don't do drugs, I wouldn't imply that and I'm going to flat out say that I believe you don'tx_x (http://img2.moonbuggy.org/imgstore/herp-derp.jpg) was my reaction
Your local pot dealer probably thinks you're a narc 8)
And if you think drugs are cool, I hope that you watch your next DARE assembly in school and take into consideration what the speakers are saying.
Drugs r bad!!!
You're probably one of those kids that makes their Facebook name "John Pothead Doe".
What if I get a pokemon avatar and act like I'm Japanese? Would that help?We have one too
Nah I never was much of a pothead, synthetic cannabinoids are pretty cool though.
Also I don't use Facebook, I don't need social networking to bolster my self esteem
So are you insinuating that I lead a sad, anti-social life, and that I use Facebook just to "bolster" up my self-esteem?
Smoking is bad for you, especially cloves, some people find girls that smoke sexy but I think it's disgusting
I think it's funny that you think that is actually me.
I don't believe I said that was you, I just think smoking is disgusting.
Also: I don't believe that girl is Thai, not tan enough, and too attractive to be a character on a forum like this
I may be an addict but never was one to nicotine 8)
who said that she's actually lily thai?
Also: I don't believe you belong on a forum like this. I think you belong to rehab.
Also: Don't believe everything you read, it may not be true :D
LOL!;) ;)
Possibly, I don't know you personally so I'm more pointing that at the types that post angle shots of themselves in an attempt to look cool (especially the ones that smoke cigarettes/cloves in pictures, smoking is disgusting)
I don't think anyone said she's actually "Lily Thai", personally I don't know (or care) who that is even enough to Google it.(http://healthstore.bg/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/darth_vader_noooo11.jpg)
Also: Don't believe everything you read, it may not be true :D
hi my bad habits include the following:
unprotected sex
sniffin coke
I do all this because IM COOL ok and im telling you because IM COOL ok?
unprotected sex
hi my bad habits include the following:
unprotected sex
sniffin coke
I do all this because IM COOL ok and im telling you because IM COOL ok?
I pull out my eyelashes with my fingers when my eyes start to irritate me.