.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) => Discussion => Topic started by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 04:01:54 PM

Title: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 04:01:54 PM
No matter how farfetched, just post it.

Mine is that all existence is happening at any one point, there is no past or present, there is only what we're experiencing. Anything that happens is fated and affects us all in some way. It would be impossible to change something via time travel or knowing the future because it would've already happened, and your time traveling change to what happened is in reality what actually DID happen. All existence is a film, and we only move forward on that film or, in the case of time travel, backwards.

I came up with it after watching a "That's So Raven" rerun, to be honest.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deathie on March 08, 2011, 04:03:39 PM
Sometimes, I've thought this reality was all a dream.

Like, we're all figments of one persons subconscious in a coma or something. Deja-vu is parts of their reality replaying itself, and how multiple people can have the same 'dream'.

Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deacon on March 08, 2011, 04:05:57 PM
i'm a fan of string theory
but i can't quite decide if the universe just keeps happening or if there are deviations.

honestly, the only reason we exist is the same reason any organism exists; reproduction
we just got so smart that now only stupid people reproduce.
crazy fucking world
isn't it
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Supertoaster on March 08, 2011, 04:07:08 PM
We are a highly advanced version of Sims played by Martians.

Also I think there was another universe before us, considering the "Big Crunch" theory is true, I like this theory because then it means the Universe acts like a beating heart.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 04:07:16 PM
za warudo is a thing worth fighting for.

Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deathie on March 08, 2011, 04:07:49 PM
We are a highly advanced version of Sims played by Martians.




The more I think about it, the more real it becomes.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 04:10:00 PM
i'm a fan of string theory
but i can't quite decide if the universe just keeps happening or if there are deviations.

honestly, the only reason we exist is the same reason any organism exists; reproduction
we just got so smart that now only stupid people reproduce.
crazy fucking world
isn't it

Word, man.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Don on March 08, 2011, 04:12:09 PM
Why are you so sure that we exist?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 04:15:16 PM
God created all of us. We exist only because he made us.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 04:15:58 PM
God created all of us. We exist only because he made us.

if god created us, who created him/her?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Rocket50 on March 08, 2011, 04:16:12 PM
Why are you so sure that we exist?

We don't. Reality in your perspective could be just a figment that was created by your mind that you cannot distinguish from reality.

Also, Inb4religion

Nevermind. It's too late.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Bovicide on March 08, 2011, 04:16:48 PM
if god created us, who created him/her?

And if you say he didnt need to be created , its only a hop skip and jump to saying "the universe didnt need to be created."
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 04:17:33 PM
now that you put it that way...
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 04:19:46 PM
if god created us, who created him/her?

No humans know, but I'll be sure to ask him if I get to heaven
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Don on March 08, 2011, 04:20:57 PM
Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.

If god is real and created us because he loves us so much, why does he kill our race in the most painful ways possible?
And why does alien life exist?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deacon on March 08, 2011, 04:22:14 PM
Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.

If god is real and created us because he loves us so much, why does he kill our race in the most painful ways possible?
And why does alien life exist?

science fair projects.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 04:23:15 PM
if i know what is the worst religion, it would be scientology.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Rocket50 on March 08, 2011, 04:23:30 PM
Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.

If god is real and created us because he loves us so much, why does he kill our race in the most painful ways possible?
And why does alien life exist?

>Implying we know for a fact that alien races exist.

Also, why does god allow the number of deaths of his worshippers to match in proportion to the non-worshippers?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Don on March 08, 2011, 04:24:32 PM
>Implying we know for a fact that alien races exist.
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html)
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 04:27:33 PM
Oh my FUCKING gosh you fucking douchebags

I gave my thought on existence and all of you just HAVE to get all anal on my religion.

Fucktards, respect my belief, I'll respect yours.
Fucken assholes.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Rocket50 on March 08, 2011, 04:28:08 PM
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html)

Wow, proved me wrong; ignore my implication.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Don on March 08, 2011, 04:29:43 PM
Oh my FUCKING gosh you fucking douchebags

I gave my thought on existence and all of you just HAVE to get all anal on my religion.

Fucktards, respect my belief, I'll respect yours.
Fucken assholes.
That was most likely due to the way you chose to bring it over to people, as if no other possibility exists.

You might not have intended to actually do that, but it sure as hell looked like it.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 04:32:59 PM
That was most likely due to the way you chose to bring it over to people, as if no other possibility exists.

You might not have intended to actually do that, but it sure as hell looked like it.

SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Your thoughts

Am I really the type of person to NOT read the topic title?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 04:35:09 PM
thread derailed
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Rocket50 on March 08, 2011, 04:35:17 PM
SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Your thoughts

Am I really the type of person to NOT read the topic title?

You gave a statement on your beliefs, we challenged it.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 04:36:03 PM
>Implying we know for a fact that alien races exist.

You're goin to tell me that in a universe as big as ours, with literally INFINITE chances for the possibility of a planet being in the right space for water to exist as all three states of matter and supporting life, there's no aliens?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 04:37:54 PM
That was most likely due to the way you chose to bring it over to people, as if no other possibility exists.

You might not have intended to actually do that, but it sure as hell looked like it.

Actually, he was just expressing his religion's creationist theory. We have no right to get all up in his grills for that.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deacon on March 08, 2011, 04:39:56 PM
allow me to silly walk the fuck out of this thread.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 04:40:46 PM
You gave a statement on your beliefs, we challenged it.

Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.

Forgive me, I was not supposed to get offended by 3 people questioning my belief and NO ONE else's.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 04:40:57 PM
allow me to silly walk the fuck out of this thread.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: cogsandspigots on March 08, 2011, 04:58:53 PM
I'm a Christian and I believe in creationism. Tell me, how do you get from burning hot plasma to humans? I know simple amino acids can be created in special conditions, but that doesn't explain how those amino acids formed protein chains and those formed into cell parts and so on. Aliens can exist but the chance of anything close to humans being in the universe is a 0.1% according to scientists.
if i know what is the worst religion, it would be scientology.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Pryvisee on March 08, 2011, 05:24:55 PM
Oh my FUCKING gosh you fucking douchebags

I gave my thought on existence and all of you just HAVE to get all anal on my religion.

Fucktards, respect my belief, I'll respect yours.
Fucken assholes.

Dude, I'm with you..
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Foofoojack on March 08, 2011, 06:18:02 PM
I question my existence..

Why couldn't I be a fkin dinosaur?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 06:26:31 PM
I'm a Christian and I believe in creationism. Tell me, how do you get from burning hot plasma to humans? I know simple amino acids can be created in special conditions, but that doesn't explain how those amino acids formed protein chains and those formed into cell parts and so on. Aliens can exist but the chance of anything close to humans being in the universe is a 0.1% according to scientists. True.

Those aren't atheist theories, those are theories that APPEAL to atheism. Personally, I don't believe in evolution or the Big Bang or any of that nonsense.

Now can we PLEASE get on with this thread and stop fucking with Cheese?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Arcoyle on March 08, 2011, 06:35:18 PM
Have you seen inception? That.

Being honest now existence is a really large subject. I mean are you talking the moment of creation, the meaning of existence, how we exist, do we exist, and so on? I noticed a lot of Christian shit. Firstly i'm not ready to bash anyone's beliefs... *puts bashing gloves on*. Ok now I am. Christianity is complete bullshit. I believe Jesus existed, but there are some major errors in Christian thinking. But thats not what this topic is about. PM me and I'll go more into it, I spent the past 3 years studying this stuff, among other things. I spend a lot of time researching random stuff....

Back to the topic

But my beliefs on existence, so far, are more a collections of random thoughts. I believe that ours is probably not the only universe, and that we are no different or more special, or even more random an occurance than any other thing out there. I also don't feel that analyzing existence is really possible as the number of variables is incomprehensible, even creationism, the simplest explanation, does not cover all bases. And the idea of existence vs the idea of non-existence in which we exist in an ethereal spirit form which is dreaming or controlling us like a puppet show is basically the same thing on different levels, so proving one does not disprove the others. Also you have the radical theories, such as where we access a living body in a different universe when we dream, and that our lives are a dream. I don't believe this however, for obvious reasons which you should be able to figure out that I don't feel like writing. Scientific theories, such as string theory, and even theories about creation, such as the big bang theory, deserve recognition in this discussion even though I don't adhere to them (except the big bang theory, but I have other thoughts on that as well that are off topic and this is long enough). Science, I believe, is incapable of grasping any kind of understanding of existence by its very nature. The theories out there are more explanations for atomic/ subatomic action and movement than an explanation of consciousness, which is more pertinent to our understanding of existence of ourselves. A little fun fact is there is a theory that you don't exist unless you think you exist, which is bullshit to say the least, as a rock does not think it exists but can still fall on your head and crush you in fun, exciting ways. By the way, if you read this far, good for you. Basically this whole thing was me saying I have no idea and neither does anyone else, but hats off to those who try.

I definitely have more to say on this subject but I got bored at this point so I'm just going to sign off here.  :trollface:
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Peetah on March 08, 2011, 06:37:49 PM
From my life experiences, I am not sure. Mabe im lucky? or it was the work of Jesus.
Hell, why not thank Jesus anyways.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: ursus on March 08, 2011, 06:43:04 PM

As a Jehovah's Witness, I'm forced to open my 10-pound briefcase filled with bibles and bible literature simply for this occasion. Please forgive me if I offend anyone.

As our 250-page book on the improbability of evolution states:

"Some proteins serve as structural materials and others as enzymes. The latter speed up needed chemical reactions in the cell. Without such help, the cell would die. Not just a few, but 2,000 proteins serving as enzymes are needed for the cell's activity. What are the chances of obtaining all of these at random? One chance in 1040,000. "An outrageously small probability," Hoyle asserts, "that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup." He adds: "If one is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific training into the conviction that life originated [spontaneously] on Earth, this simple calculation wipes the idea entirely out of court."

Quoted is the literary work Evolution From Space, p. 24.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 06:46:14 PM

As a Jehovah's Witness, I'm forced to open my 10-pound briefcase filled with bibles and bible literature simply for this occasion. Please forgive me if I offend anyone.

As our 250-page book on the improbability of evolution states:

"Some proteins serve as structural materials and others as enzymes. The latter speed up needed chemical reactions in the cell. Without such help, the cell would die. Not just a few, but 2,000 proteins serving as enzymes are needed for the cell's activity. What are the chances of obtaining all of these at random? One chance in 1040,000. "An outrageously small probability," Hoyle asserts, "that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup." He adds: "If one is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific training into the conviction that life originated [spontaneously] on Earth, this simple calculation wipes the idea entirely out of court."

Quoted is the literary work Evolution From Space, p. 24.


Jehova's Witness?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: ursus on March 08, 2011, 06:49:18 PM


Jehova's Witness?


Don't even attempt an argument with me on evolution.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Seb on March 08, 2011, 06:54:02 PM

Don't even attempt an argument with me on evolution.

Of course not, fuck evolution.

But, by choice or...?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: ursus on March 08, 2011, 06:57:22 PM
Of course not, fuck evolution.

But, by choice or...?

I was raised as one, but it's still my personal choice. We're the most rational and level-headed religion I've ever encountered.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cable on March 08, 2011, 07:14:32 PM
I believe in Secular humanism.
Basically saying that i believe in science.
Go ahead and talk shit about me or whatever...
I just dont find that whole "god" thing realistic.
Sorry if i offended you.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 07:15:50 PM
I believe in Secular humanism.
Basically saying that i believe in science.
Go ahead and talk shit about me or whatever...
I just dont fine that whole "god" thing realistic.
Sorry if i offended you.

Finally someone that doesn't go "herpdaderp im gonna talk some shit about religion make people MAD! XD"
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cable on March 08, 2011, 07:25:44 PM
I try my best to NOT hurt others.
That's actually my #1 priority on this forum mostly.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Devie on March 08, 2011, 07:37:56 PM
As a kid, or preteen growing up, around 10-11 or so - I remember a really really realistic dream.
I was standing in a carnival-like place in the middle of a crowd - this really tall blurry guy next to me.
We were just standing there.
The crowd around us moving, walking, all with blurry faces.

I remember I was really happy cuz I'm in a fucking amusement park.

The guy next to me. The tall one - held me by the shoudlers and looked at me in the eye - Although he's a blur - but at the time of the dream it wasnt. and I knew who he was.

And he said to me - in a very serious tone: "This is real right now Mary. This isn't a dream. This is reality. This is happening for. real."

Everything else after that was a huge ass blur. But I remember it so well.
I kept believing that the tall guy was supposed to be God. Or Jesus. I thought he was telling me something subliminally.

But just last year around June. I went to the amusement park with a couple of friends. And my boyfriend.
We stood in the middle of the crowd while we were waiting for our friends to come out of the bathroom.

And my boyfriend turned to me exactly the way the tall guy did in my dream. and he asked me "What ride do you wanna ride first?"
My boyfriend is 6"2.

Then BAM.
I shat bricks.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 07:44:57 PM
As a kid, or preteen growing up, around 10-11 or so - I remember a really really realistic dream.
I was standing in a carnival-like place in the middle of a crowd - this really tall blurry guy next to me.
We were just standing there.
The crowd around us moving, walking, all with blurry faces.

I remember I was really happy cuz I'm in a fucking amusement park.

The guy next to me. The tall one - held me by the shoudlers and looked at me in the eye - Although he's a blur - but at the time of the dream it wasnt. and I knew who he was.

And he said to me - in a very serious tone: "This is real right now Mary. This isn't a dream. This is reality. This is happening for. real."

Everything else after that was a huge ass blur. But I remember it so well.
I kept believing that the tall guy was supposed to be God. Or Jesus. I thought he was telling me something subliminally.

But just last year around June. I went to the amusement park with a couple of friends. And my boyfriend.
We stood in the middle of the crowd while we were waiting for our friends to come out of the bathroom.

And my boyfriend turned to me exactly the way the tall guy did in my dream. and he asked me "What ride do you wanna ride first?"
My boyfriend is 6"2.

Then BAM.
I shat bricks.

I just pissed bricks
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deathie on March 08, 2011, 08:07:43 PM
As a kid, or preteen growing up, around 10-11 or so - I remember a really really realistic dream.
I was standing in a carnival-like place in the middle of a crowd - this really tall blurry guy next to me.
We were just standing there.
The crowd around us moving, walking, all with blurry faces.

I remember I was really happy cuz I'm in a fucking amusement park.

The guy next to me. The tall one - held me by the shoudlers and looked at me in the eye - Although he's a blur - but at the time of the dream it wasnt. and I knew who he was.

And he said to me - in a very serious tone: "This is real right now Mary. This isn't a dream. This is reality. This is happening for. real."

Everything else after that was a huge ass blur. But I remember it so well.
I kept believing that the tall guy was supposed to be God. Or Jesus. I thought he was telling me something subliminally.

But just last year around June. I went to the amusement park with a couple of friends. And my boyfriend.
We stood in the middle of the crowd while we were waiting for our friends to come out of the bathroom.

And my boyfriend turned to me exactly the way the tall guy did in my dream. and he asked me "What ride do you wanna ride first?"
My boyfriend is 6"2.

Then BAM.
I shat bricks.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: c0mp1337 on March 08, 2011, 09:18:35 PM
from serious discussion about our existence, to religious discussion, to a personal story. imokwiththis.jpg
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Supertoaster on March 08, 2011, 09:24:08 PM
from serious discussion about our existence, to religious discussion, to a personal story. imokwiththis.jpg
The door is over there.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 09:44:40 PM

They should play this song while you read her story:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Deathie on March 08, 2011, 10:08:13 PM
They should play this song while you read her story:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit it from mind heist to "the dream is collapsing". Better for that situation.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 08, 2011, 10:23:26 PM
Edit it from mind heist to "the dream is collapsing". Better for that situation.

Lol but the brass section in the Heist sounds SOOOO epic! :O
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Carp on March 08, 2011, 11:00:36 PM
Ahhhh existence, what possibly could existence be and what is the purpose? Currently I don't believe in any religion, and I don't see what the point in believing in a religion is. I have been a Christian ever since I was about 9 years old, and I have been going to church ever since. If you do some research you will understand where I am coming from and understand that it just isn't logical, and I'm a logical kind of person. One night I was going to just start reading the bible, and it was saying that the people in there lived to be like 900 years old, I didn't see that to be logical and just a lot of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.

But what does bug me is when people choose a religion based on the people in that religion. We had a lady come to our church and never come back because she went and tried another Mormon church and they took her out for lunch. Apparently they were nicer than use so she stayed there.

Anyway currently I don't believe in anything, if you have seen the movie The Invention of Lying, it puts the man in the sky, God, into perspective and how stupid people on earth really are. I do believe that there is some superior being out there, but we will never know until we are dead. I have also wondered about second life but I don't believe in that too much.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Hitman on March 09, 2011, 01:23:20 AM
Ahhhh existence, what possibly could existence be and what is the purpose? Currently I don't believe in any religion, and I don't see what the point in believing in a religion is. I have been a Christian ever since I was about 9 years old, and I have been going to church ever since. If you do some research you will understand where I am coming from and understand that it just isn't logical, and I'm a logical kind of person. One night I was going to just start reading the bible, and it was saying that the people in there lived to be like 900 years old, I didn't see that to be logical and just a lot of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.

But what does bug me is when people choose a religion based on the people in that religion. We had a lady come to our church and never come back because she went and tried another Mormon church and they took her out for lunch. Apparently they were nicer than use so she stayed there.

Anyway currently I don't believe in anything, if you have seen the movie The Invention of Lying, it puts the man in the sky, God, into perspective and how stupid people on earth really are. I do believe that there is some superior being out there, but we will never know until we are dead. I have also wondered about second life but I don't believe in that too much.

Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 09, 2011, 02:39:50 AM
Edit it from mind heist to "the dream is collapsing". Better for that situation.

Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)

See how epic it is?
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cable on March 09, 2011, 04:04:55 AM
Ahhhh existence, what possibly could existence be and what is the purpose? Currently I don't believe in any religion, and I don't see what the point in believing in a religion is. I have been a Christian ever since I was about 9 years old, and I have been going to church ever since. If you do some research you will understand where I am coming from and understand that it just isn't logical, and I'm a logical kind of person. One night I was going to just start reading the bible, and it was saying that the people in there lived to be like 900 years old, I didn't see that to be logical and just a lot of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.

But what does bug me is when people choose a religion based on the people in that religion. We had a lady come to our church and never come back because she went and tried another Mormon church and they took her out for lunch. Apparently they were nicer than use so she stayed there.

Anyway currently I don't believe in anything, if you have seen the movie The Invention of Lying, it puts the man in the sky, God, into perspective and how stupid people on earth really are. I do believe that there is some superior being out there, but we will never know until we are dead. I have also wondered about second life but I don't believe in that too much.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Frank on March 09, 2011, 09:44:18 AM
Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)

See how epic it is?
>this is for real

super lol'd
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Peetah on March 09, 2011, 04:13:06 PM
Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)

See how epic it is?
I shat ice blocks.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 09, 2011, 04:21:27 PM
>this is for real

super lol'd

I messed up a lot LOL
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: ursus on March 09, 2011, 04:23:24 PM
I messed up a lot LOL

I could've done it in the voice of the old spice guy, if I had a microphone.
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Devie on March 09, 2011, 04:28:04 PM
Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)

See how epic it is?

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Post by: Cheesicle on March 09, 2011, 04:28:25 PM
I could've done it in the voice of the old spice guy, if I had a microphone.

