We are a highly advanced version of Sims played by Martians.
i'm a fan of string theory
but i can't quite decide if the universe just keeps happening or if there are deviations.
honestly, the only reason we exist is the same reason any organism exists; reproduction
we just got so smart that now only stupid people reproduce.
crazy fucking world
isn't it
God created all of us. We exist only because he made us.
Why are you so sure that we exist?
if god created us, who created him/her?
if god created us, who created him/her?
Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.
If god is real and created us because he loves us so much, why does he kill our race in the most painful ways possible?
And why does alien life exist?
Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.
If god is real and created us because he loves us so much, why does he kill our race in the most painful ways possible?
And why does alien life exist?
>Implying we know for a fact that alien races exist.http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html)
http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html (http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501465_162-20039658-501465.html)
Oh my FUCKING gosh you fucking douchebagsThat was most likely due to the way you chose to bring it over to people, as if no other possibility exists.
I gave my thought on existence and all of you just HAVE to get all anal on my religion.
Fucktards, respect my belief, I'll respect yours.
Fucken assholes.
That was most likely due to the way you chose to bring it over to people, as if no other possibility exists.
You might not have intended to actually do that, but it sure as hell looked like it.
SERIOUS DISCUSSION: Your thoughts on existence?
Your thoughts
Am I really the type of person to NOT read the topic title?
>Implying we know for a fact that alien races exist.
That was most likely due to the way you chose to bring it over to people, as if no other possibility exists.
You might not have intended to actually do that, but it sure as hell looked like it.
You gave a statement on your beliefs, we challenged it.
Oh boy sense-making religions sure are about to arrive in this thread.
allow me to silly walk the fuck out of this thread.billyjean.jpg
if i know what is the worst religion, it would be scientology.True.
Oh my FUCKING gosh you fucking douchebags
I gave my thought on existence and all of you just HAVE to get all anal on my religion.
Fucktards, respect my belief, I'll respect yours.
Fucken assholes.
I'm a Christian and I believe in creationism. Tell me, how do you get from burning hot plasma to humans? I know simple amino acids can be created in special conditions, but that doesn't explain how those amino acids formed protein chains and those formed into cell parts and so on. Aliens can exist but the chance of anything close to humans being in the universe is a 0.1% according to scientists. True.
As a Jehovah's Witness, I'm forced to open my 10-pound briefcase filled with bibles and bible literature simply for this occasion. Please forgive me if I offend anyone.
As our 250-page book on the improbability of evolution states:
"Some proteins serve as structural materials and others as enzymes. The latter speed up needed chemical reactions in the cell. Without such help, the cell would die. Not just a few, but 2,000 proteins serving as enzymes are needed for the cell's activity. What are the chances of obtaining all of these at random? One chance in 1040,000. "An outrageously small probability," Hoyle asserts, "that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup." He adds: "If one is not prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific training into the conviction that life originated [spontaneously] on Earth, this simple calculation wipes the idea entirely out of court."
Quoted is the literary work Evolution From Space, p. 24.
Jehova's Witness?
Don't even attempt an argument with me on evolution.
Of course not, fuck evolution.
But, by choice or...?
I believe in Secular humanism.
Basically saying that i believe in science.
Go ahead and talk shit about me or whatever...
I just dont fine that whole "god" thing realistic.
Sorry if i offended you.
As a kid, or preteen growing up, around 10-11 or so - I remember a really really realistic dream.
I was standing in a carnival-like place in the middle of a crowd - this really tall blurry guy next to me.
We were just standing there.
The crowd around us moving, walking, all with blurry faces.
I remember I was really happy cuz I'm in a fucking amusement park.
The guy next to me. The tall one - held me by the shoudlers and looked at me in the eye - Although he's a blur - but at the time of the dream it wasnt. and I knew who he was.
And he said to me - in a very serious tone: "This is real right now Mary. This isn't a dream. This is reality. This is happening for. real."
Everything else after that was a huge ass blur. But I remember it so well.
I kept believing that the tall guy was supposed to be God. Or Jesus. I thought he was telling me something subliminally.
But just last year around June. I went to the amusement park with a couple of friends. And my boyfriend.
We stood in the middle of the crowd while we were waiting for our friends to come out of the bathroom.
And my boyfriend turned to me exactly the way the tall guy did in my dream. and he asked me "What ride do you wanna ride first?"
My boyfriend is 6"2.
Then BAM.
I shat bricks.
As a kid, or preteen growing up, around 10-11 or so - I remember a really really realistic dream.(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rmbYLBIExSc/TWF7h8pxLlI/AAAAAAAAAbU/z5xmBHhFJfU/s1600/Inception-Meme-Twilight-inception-2010-14731971-470-700.jpg)
I was standing in a carnival-like place in the middle of a crowd - this really tall blurry guy next to me.
We were just standing there.
The crowd around us moving, walking, all with blurry faces.
I remember I was really happy cuz I'm in a fucking amusement park.
The guy next to me. The tall one - held me by the shoudlers and looked at me in the eye - Although he's a blur - but at the time of the dream it wasnt. and I knew who he was.
And he said to me - in a very serious tone: "This is real right now Mary. This isn't a dream. This is reality. This is happening for. real."
Everything else after that was a huge ass blur. But I remember it so well.
I kept believing that the tall guy was supposed to be God. Or Jesus. I thought he was telling me something subliminally.
But just last year around June. I went to the amusement park with a couple of friends. And my boyfriend.
We stood in the middle of the crowd while we were waiting for our friends to come out of the bathroom.
And my boyfriend turned to me exactly the way the tall guy did in my dream. and he asked me "What ride do you wanna ride first?"
My boyfriend is 6"2.
Then BAM.
I shat bricks.
from serious discussion about our existence, to religious discussion, to a personal story. imokwiththis.jpgThe door is over there.
They should play this song while you read her story:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Edit it from mind heist to "the dream is collapsing". Better for that situation.
Ahhhh existence, what possibly could existence be and what is the purpose? Currently I don't believe in any religion, and I don't see what the point in believing in a religion is. I have been a Christian ever since I was about 9 years old, and I have been going to church ever since. If you do some research you will understand where I am coming from and understand that it just isn't logical, and I'm a logical kind of person. One night I was going to just start reading the bible, and it was saying that the people in there lived to be like 900 years old, I didn't see that to be logical and just a lot of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.
But what does bug me is when people choose a religion based on the people in that religion. We had a lady come to our church and never come back because she went and tried another Mormon church and they took her out for lunch. Apparently they were nicer than use so she stayed there.
Anyway currently I don't believe in anything, if you have seen the movie The Invention of Lying, it puts the man in the sky, God, into perspective and how stupid people on earth really are. I do believe that there is some superior being out there, but we will never know until we are dead. I have also wondered about second life but I don't believe in that too much.
Edit it from mind heist to "the dream is collapsing". Better for that situation.
Ahhhh existence, what possibly could existence be and what is the purpose? Currently I don't believe in any religion, and I don't see what the point in believing in a religion is. I have been a Christian ever since I was about 9 years old, and I have been going to church ever since. If you do some research you will understand where I am coming from and understand that it just isn't logical, and I'm a logical kind of person. One night I was going to just start reading the bible, and it was saying that the people in there lived to be like 900 years old, I didn't see that to be logical and just a lot of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.Agree'd
But what does bug me is when people choose a religion based on the people in that religion. We had a lady come to our church and never come back because she went and tried another Mormon church and they took her out for lunch. Apparently they were nicer than use so she stayed there.
Anyway currently I don't believe in anything, if you have seen the movie The Invention of Lying, it puts the man in the sky, God, into perspective and how stupid people on earth really are. I do believe that there is some superior being out there, but we will never know until we are dead. I have also wondered about second life but I don't believe in that too much.
Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)>this is for real
See how epic it is?
Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)I shat ice blocks.
See how epic it is?
>this is for real
super lol'd
I messed up a lot LOL
Devie's Inception Dream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpVzsTvKPQ#)
See how epic it is?
I could've done it in the voice of the old spice guy, if I had a microphone.