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.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) => Discussion => Topic started by: Devie on February 03, 2011, 01:56:39 PM

Title: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Devie on February 03, 2011, 01:56:39 PM
Nibiru 2012 - The end of the World (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS7Rky3V7Wk#)

Um... I don't know. I feel more like "meh, wtfever"

I want to see your opinion about this.
Go ahead. Discuss.

I understand it's like tl;dw... but it's pretty interesting to those believers and even non-believers - just give it a chance please.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Deathie on February 03, 2011, 02:06:10 PM
If this was true and NASA/government did know about it and have known since 1980, why haven't the government taken action?

Like the fallout shelters from the 1950's?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Mr. Franklin on February 03, 2011, 02:12:45 PM
Just a hoax someone created.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Devie on February 03, 2011, 02:15:15 PM
The idea that a planet-sized object could possibly collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.[1]

I honestly don't know anymore LOL.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Don on February 03, 2011, 02:17:37 PM
There is always a high possibility that planets get hit by similarly sized objects, and the earth is no different.
Eventually we will collide with a huge-ass meteorite, but so far we haven't detected anything that's in a highly possible collision course; most "dangerous" objects are simply going through earth's orbit but eventually miss it by several billion miles.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Shawn on February 03, 2011, 02:19:05 PM
If this was true and NASA/government did know about it and have known since 1980, why haven't the government taken action?

What makes you think they haven't? It wouldn't be the first time the government did a top secret project that no one knows about. They do top Secret projects all the time.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Rocket50 on February 03, 2011, 02:49:58 PM
Ok, lets say there WILL be an astronomical event that will affect the denizens of earth, and the government has known this for decades and have prepared. How will that change us? We will still be affected by the same event, we will still have to continue our daily lives and eat. And if the government has created so called "Shelters," how are we suppose to break into a military fortified bunker designed for high valued personell?

The point is, even if someone confirms with hard proof that the government has kept a secret about 2012, nothing can be changed. In fact, not telling is the better option, since broadcasting the news of an upcoming disaster will cause worldwide panic and a breakdown of government and society.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Shawn on February 03, 2011, 02:55:19 PM
The point is, even if someone confirms with hard proof that the government has kept a secret about 2012, nothing can be changed. In fact, not telling is the better option, since broadcasting the news of an upcoming disaster will cause worldwide panic and a breakdown of government and society.

Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Dasadan2 on February 03, 2011, 02:56:58 PM
Wait is this like in the 2012 movie where the government made spaceships because of global warming but now they're making ships so we can move to the moon?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Foofoojack on February 03, 2011, 04:18:35 PM
100% bullshit
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Seb on February 03, 2011, 04:22:45 PM
I lol'd.

Surely this is tinfoil-cap rabble.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Supertoaster on February 03, 2011, 04:25:48 PM
If a object that big was going to hit Earth...
                                                                 ...Wouldn't have they detected it already?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Tiger Guy on February 03, 2011, 04:37:55 PM
Do you remember Y2K? Boy that was a major disaster that destroyed the earth.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Foofoojack on February 03, 2011, 04:39:00 PM
Do you remember Y2K? Boy that was a major disaster that destroyed the earth.
Oh yeah boy that caused so much chaos.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Shawn on February 03, 2011, 04:45:19 PM
Do you remember Y2K? Boy that was a major disaster that destroyed the earth.

All people thought was going to happen was like traffic lights and shit like that would fuck up since the switch over to 00 on the computer clocks since no programmer ever added 4 digits for a clock... which some did so ya... Theres a big difference, and i love how you say "do you remember y2k?" I know i do but i doubt you do. Since you were like what? 3/4 at the time? it wasn't that big of a deal...
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Foofoojack on February 03, 2011, 04:46:17 PM
All people thought was going to happen was like traffic lights and shit like that would fuck up since the switch over to 00 on the computer clocks since no programmer ever added 4 digits for a clock... which some did so ya... Theres a big difference, and i love how you say "do you remember y2k?" I know i do but i doubt you do. Since you were like what? 3/4 at the time? it wasn't that big of a deal...
Bro he was being sarcastic.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Cheesicle on February 03, 2011, 06:00:53 PM
Y2K, 06/06/06... Nothing really happened.. Srsly, the world ain't ending. And if it does, well shit, I'm gon' be real pissed that my mom moved me back to fucking China. I fucking hate this place so damn much, and I'm not spending my last years here with no friends.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: XAX on February 04, 2011, 02:40:53 AM
Do you remember Y2K? Boy that was a major disaster that destroyed the earth.

No joke.

I have a "Y2K readiness checklist" magnet on my fridge.
That thing saved my life...
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: » Magic « on February 04, 2011, 02:51:47 AM
meh, I duno if I believe or not I'll see when the time comes, the other thing was that there was meant to be an invasion of UFO on October 31st 2010, never happened
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 04, 2011, 06:11:57 AM
This is just like any other "Classic" conspiracy video that you will find off the internet. This one just happens to be made by an Indian guy.

First of all.

NASA doesn't keep secrets. Their entire structure is designed to be open to the public. Everything they do is shown to the general public, with the exception of a few ITAR (international treaty against arms proliferation) controlled items.

Next are his quotes. He quotes Nostradamus as saying " A BIG OBJECT WILL COME HIT US", way to quote someone there buddy, but no crap something will hit us eventually. That's like saying ITS POSSIBLE THE EARTH WILL ROTATE. Objects have been hitting the earth for billions of years.

The next "Quote" Is from Einstein about pole shifting.

-A large planetary body passing by wouldn't cause the poles to shift. I hope he is referring to the Magnetic North and South pole's which are currently in the process of Swapping polarities. This is determined by magma flow in the earths mantle, and if a passing body did manage to affect the magnetic poles. It wouldn't really matter to use because it would have torn the crust of the earth off or something to that effect.

- Even if a "Pole shift" did take place (which one is taking place at the moment) all that will happen is navigation by compass will become unreliable.

- If hes saying the earth will "start tumbling through space" he needs to  :gtfo: Since the only event with enough kinetic energy would be a direct impact with a massive body, and if that happened Who the Fk' cares if the earth is tumbling, we are all dead anyway.

McMurdo bay would make an absolutely terrible place for an optical observatory. As:
 A: It's covered by clouds and blizzards for most of the year.
 B: A town of 5000 civilian scientists doesn't exactly make a good place for a secret observatory.

So scientists 27 years ago detected a rouge planet traveling the interstellar wastes. And that it returns every 3600 years...

In order for this to be possible it would need to be in a long-period orbit of our sun. Which I suppose theoretically is possible.

Objects in these kinds of orbits tend to travel ~1/6000 the speed of light.

or ~ 50 km/s there are 3,100,000 seconds in a year, so in one year that planet will travel 155,000,000 kilometers. So 27 years ago it was 4,185,000,000 km away, or about 30 AU away (30 times the distance from the earth to the sun.)

Otherwise 27 years ago that planet would be somewhere between Neptune and Pluto. And today the planet would currently be about 3 AU away (Buddy buddy with Jupiter). AKA in both cases we could see it with our naked eye.

To sum up, No the whole Niribu thing is a whole load of bull shit. Using like many other conspiracy theories, Claims that to most people sound good, but to anyone who has any idea of the actual mechanics involved is completely ludicrous.

Here are two very good quote from Wikipedia on the matter.
Many believers in the imminent approach of Planet X/Nibiru accuse NASA of deliberately covering up visual evidence of its existence.[34] One such accusation involves the IRAS infrared space observatory, launched in 1983. The satellite briefly made headlines due to an "unknown object" that was at first described as "possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this Solar System".[35] This newspaper article has been cited by proponents of the collision idea, beginning with Lieder herself, as evidence for the existence of Nibiru.[36] However, further analysis revealed that of several unidentified objects, nine were distant galaxies and the tenth was "intergalactic cirrus"; none were found to be Solar System bodies.[37]

Another accusation frequently made by websites predicting the collision is that the US government built the South Pole Telescope to track Nibiru's trajectory, and that the object has been imaged optically.[38] However, the SPT (which is not funded by NASA) is a radio telescope, and cannot take optical images. Its South Pole location was chosen due to the low-humidity environment, and there is no way an approaching object could be seen only from the South Pole.[39] The "picture" of Nibiru posted on YouTube was revealed to in fact be a Hubble image of the expanding gas shell around the star V838 Mon.[38]


The impact of the public fear of the Nibiru collision has been especially felt by professional astronomers. Mike Brown now says that Nibiru is the most common pseudoscientific topic he is asked about.[31]

David Morrison, director of SETI, CSI Fellow and Senior Scientist at NASA's Astrobiology Institute at Ames Research Center, says he receives 20–25 emails a week about the impending arrival of Nibiru; some frightened, others angry and naming him as part of the conspiracy to keep the truth of the impending apocalypse from the public, and still others asking whether or not they should kill themselves, their children or their pets.[34][40] Half of these emails are from outside the US.[12] "Planetary scientists are being driven to distraction by Nibiru," notes science writer Govert Schilling, "And it is not surprising; you devote so much time, energy and creativity to fascinating scientific research, and find yourself on the tracks of the most amazing and interesting things, and all the public at large is concerned about is some crackpot theory about clay tablets, god-astronauts and a planet that doesn't exist."[1] Morrison states that he hopes that the non-arrival of Nibiru could serve as a teaching moment for the public, instructing them on 'rational thought and baloney detection', but doubts that will happen.[34]

Morrison noted in a lecture recorded on FORA.tv that there was a huge disconnect between the massive number of people on the internet who believed in Nibiru's arrival in 2012 and the majority of scientists who have never heard of it. To date he is the only major NASA scientist to speak out regularly against the Nibiru phenomenon.[40]

A viral marketing campaign for Sony Pictures' 2009 film 2012, directed by Roland Emmerich, which depicts the end of the world in that year, featured a supposed warning from the "Institute for Human Continuity" that listed the arrival of Planet X as one of its doomsday scenarios.[41] Mike Brown attributes a spike in concerned emails and phone calls he received from the public to this site.[26]

My personal favorite part of that movie is where it says the earth will stop rotating for 4 days.

The earth has a rotation inertia of 2.14×10^29 J. or 214,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 J a Megaton explosion has 4,184,000,000,000,000 J

So to instantly stop the earth from rotating, it would require a perfectly placed instantaneous transfer of energy into the earth equivalent to a 51,147,227,533,460 Megaton Explosion  :D To give you perspective, the largest atomic bomb ever Tsar Bomb was 50 Megatons.

The explosion that killed the dinosaurs was 100,000,000 Megatons.

All of the "preceeding events" leading up to the impact outlined by the film would have killed the planet a billion times over.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Cheesicle on February 04, 2011, 06:40:39 AM
This is just like any other "Classic" conspiracy video that you will find off the internet. This one just happens to be made by an Indian guy.

First of all.

NASA doesn't keep secrets. Their entire structure is designed to be open to the public. Everything they do is shown to the general public, with the exception of a few ITAR (international treaty against arms proliferation) controlled items.

Next are his quotes. He quotes Nostradamus as saying " A BIG OBJECT WILL COME HIT US", way to quote someone there buddy, but no crap something will hit us eventually. That's like saying ITS POSSIBLE THE EARTH WILL ROTATE. Objects have been hitting the earth for billions of years.

The next "Quote" Is from Einstein about pole shifting.

-A large planetary body passing by wouldn't cause the poles to shift. I hope he is referring to the Magnetic North and South pole's which are currently in the process of Swapping polarities. This is determined by magma flow in the earths mantle, and if a passing body did manage to affect the magnetic poles. It wouldn't really matter to use because it would have torn the crust of the earth off or something to that effect.

- Even if a "Pole shift" did take place (which one is taking place at the moment) all that will happen is navigation by compass will become unreliable.

- If hes saying the earth will "start tumbling through space" he needs to  :gtfo: Since the only event with enough kinetic energy would be a direct impact with a massive body, and if that happened Who the Fk' cares if the earth is tumbling, we are all dead anyway.

McMurdo bay would make an absolutely terrible place for an optical observatory. As:
 A: It's covered by clouds and blizzards for most of the year.
 B: A town of 5000 civilian scientists doesn't exactly make a good place for a secret observatory.

So scientists 27 years ago detected a rouge planet traveling the interstellar wastes. And that it returns every 3600 years...

In order for this to be possible it would need to be in a long-period orbit of our sun. Which I suppose theoretically is possible.

Objects in these kinds of orbits tend to travel ~1/6000 the speed of light.

or ~ 50 km/s there are 3,100,000 seconds in a year, so in one year that planet will travel 155,000,000 kilometers. So 27 years ago it was 4,185,000,000 km away, or about 30 AU away (30 times the distance from the earth to the sun.)

Otherwise 27 years ago that planet would be somewhere between Neptune and Pluto. And today the planet would currently be about 3 AU away (Buddy buddy with Jupiter). AKA in both cases we could see it with our naked eye.

To sum up, No the whole Niribu thing is a whole load of bull shit. Using like many other conspiracy theories, Claims that to most people sound good, but to anyone who has any idea of the actual mechanics involved is completely ludicrous.

Here are two very good quote from Wikipedia on the matter.

My personal favorite part of that movie is where it says the earth will stop rotating for 4 days.

The earth has a rotation inertia of 2.14×10^29 J. or 214,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 J a Megaton explosion has 4,184,000,000,000,000 J

So to instantly stop the earth from rotating, it would require a perfectly placed instantaneous transfer of energy into the earth equivalent to a 51,147,227,533,460 Megaton Explosion  :D To give you perspective, the largest atomic bomb ever Tsar Bomb was 50 Megatons.

The explosion that killed the dinosaurs was 100,000,000 Megatons.

All of the "preceeding events" leading up to the impact outlined by the film would have killed the planet a billion times over.

How the fuck are you failing in school
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 04, 2011, 06:44:06 AM
How the fuck are you failing in school
I spend all my time calculating crap like this.  :-[
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Cheesicle on February 04, 2011, 06:49:26 AM
I spend all my time calculating crap like this.  :-[

Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: » Magic « on February 04, 2011, 08:52:04 AM
This is just like any other "Classic" conspiracy video that you will find off the internet. This one just happens to be made by an Indian guy.

First of all.

NASA doesn't keep secrets. Their entire structure is designed to be open to the public. Everything they do is shown to the general public, with the exception of a few ITAR (international treaty against arms proliferation) controlled items.

Next are his quotes. He quotes Nostradamus as saying " A BIG OBJECT WILL COME HIT US", way to quote someone there buddy, but no crap something will hit us eventually. That's like saying ITS POSSIBLE THE EARTH WILL ROTATE. Objects have been hitting the earth for billions of years.

The next "Quote" Is from Einstein about pole shifting.

-A large planetary body passing by wouldn't cause the poles to shift. I hope he is referring to the Magnetic North and South pole's which are currently in the process of Swapping polarities. This is determined by magma flow in the earths mantle, and if a passing body did manage to affect the magnetic poles. It wouldn't really matter to use because it would have torn the crust of the earth off or something to that effect.

- Even if a "Pole shift" did take place (which one is taking place at the moment) all that will happen is navigation by compass will become unreliable.

- If hes saying the earth will "start tumbling through space" he needs to  :gtfo: Since the only event with enough kinetic energy would be a direct impact with a massive body, and if that happened Who the Fk' cares if the earth is tumbling, we are all dead anyway.

McMurdo bay would make an absolutely terrible place for an optical observatory. As:
 A: It's covered by clouds and blizzards for most of the year.
 B: A town of 5000 civilian scientists doesn't exactly make a good place for a secret observatory.

So scientists 27 years ago detected a rouge planet traveling the interstellar wastes. And that it returns every 3600 years...

In order for this to be possible it would need to be in a long-period orbit of our sun. Which I suppose theoretically is possible.

Objects in these kinds of orbits tend to travel ~1/6000 the speed of light.

or ~ 50 km/s there are 3,100,000 seconds in a year, so in one year that planet will travel 155,000,000 kilometers. So 27 years ago it was 4,185,000,000 km away, or about 30 AU away (30 times the distance from the earth to the sun.)

Otherwise 27 years ago that planet would be somewhere between Neptune and Pluto. And today the planet would currently be about 3 AU away (Buddy buddy with Jupiter). AKA in both cases we could see it with our naked eye.

To sum up, No the whole Niribu thing is a whole load of bull shit. Using like many other conspiracy theories, Claims that to most people sound good, but to anyone who has any idea of the actual mechanics involved is completely ludicrous.

Here are two very good quote from Wikipedia on the matter.

My personal favorite part of that movie is where it says the earth will stop rotating for 4 days.

The earth has a rotation inertia of 2.14×10^29 J. or 214,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 J a Megaton explosion has 4,184,000,000,000,000 J

So to instantly stop the earth from rotating, it would require a perfectly placed instantaneous transfer of energy into the earth equivalent to a 51,147,227,533,460 Megaton Explosion  :D To give you perspective, the largest atomic bomb ever Tsar Bomb was 50 Megatons.

The explosion that killed the dinosaurs was 100,000,000 Megatons.

All of the "preceeding events" leading up to the impact outlined by the film would have killed the planet a billion times over.

Very nice explanation bro, I see truth now :D
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: bipolardiz on February 04, 2011, 09:27:07 AM
damn xrain you got that shit like perfectly correct! :D Im in love with astronomy so I can definately concur with everything you have said. That video was such as load. A plante coming in between the sun and us causing us to "reform." I feel bad for smaller planets that are in the path like mercury.

Ohh and btw people lived 3600 yrs ago unless all of science and archeology are incorrect....... Sooooo did 2/3 of them die?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: » Magic « on February 04, 2011, 10:08:31 AM
damn xrain you got that shit like perfectly correct! :D Im in love with astronomy so I can definately concur with everything you have said. That video was such as load. A plante coming in between the sun and us causing us to "reform." I feel bad for smaller planets that are in the path like mercury.

Ohh and btw people lived 3600 yrs ago unless all of science and archeology are incorrect....... Sooooo did 2/3 of them die?

Would explain the current population...
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Devie on February 04, 2011, 10:16:49 AM
I understand the world will poof at some point in life.

But ... I hope it doesn't in our lifetime :(( It may not be 2012 or 2013 or 2015 or anytime soon - I just hope it won't be 2050 or anytime I'm still alive roaming this earth..
Let's just say I hope it's not in our generation - for fucks sake.

Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Deathie on February 04, 2011, 10:25:28 AM
I understand the world will poof at some point in life.

But ... I hope it doesn't in our lifetime :(( It may not be 2012 or 2013 or 2015 or anytime soon - I just hope it won't be 2050 or anytime I'm still alive roaming this earth..
Let's just say I hope it's not in our generation - for fucks sake.

The Earth will still be inhabitable for the next (I think it's 2.3 billion) years. By then, we won't even be humans. We most likely would evolve into something else. Maybe in the next few hundred years, we can even start the colonization of other planets. All you need is a renewable oxygen and water source, and a method to go to and from.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Shawn on February 04, 2011, 10:35:51 AM
The Earth will still be inhabitable for the next (I think it's 2.3 billion) years. By then, we won't even be humans. We most likely would evolve into something else. Maybe in the next few hundred years, we can even start the colonization of other planets. All you need is a renewable oxygen and water source, and a method to go to and from.

in 2.3 billion years and we still don't have a moon/mars base we might aswell just kill ourselfs!

In fact we could make a moon base now... but i don't see that happening anytime soon...

renewable oxygen wouldn't be hard to get since you could always plant wildlife in the base. for oxygen and since the moon is close enough you can send up shipments of water and for mars theres suppose to be water under the surface so that problem is solved right there Lol
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Deathie on February 04, 2011, 10:39:43 AM
in 2.3 billion years and we still don't have a moon/mars base we might aswell just kill ourselfs!

In fact we could make a moon base now... but i don't see that happening anytime soon...

renewable oxygen wouldn't be hard to get since you could always plant wildlife in the base. for oxygen and since the moon is close enough you can send up shipments of water and for mars theres suppose to be water under the surface so that problem is solved right there Lol

In 2.3 billion years, humans won't be humans and would have evolved into something else :c

But the point is to have a self-sustaining ecosystem. Having to ship water to-and-from would be too much.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Shawn on February 04, 2011, 10:52:34 AM
In 2.3 billion years, humans won't be humans and would have evolved into something else :c

But the point is to have a self-sustaining ecosystem. Having to ship water to-and-from would be too much.

I was just saying it would be a temp fix until we figured out how to make a water system... unless we were to bring lots of cacti i can't think of another way to renew water without shipments Lol
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: » Magic « on February 04, 2011, 11:22:53 AM
I was just saying it would be a temp fix until we figured out how to make a water system... unless we were to bring lots of cacti i can't think of another way to renew water without shipments Lol

I don't get how this water shenanigan is going on like this

It's basically an infinite loop

You drink water, you piss it out, it gets cleansed, it gets released again, can be used again

It evaporates, goes into the clouds then rains it down again

You drink pepsi, which has water in it, piss it out, same as before

Infinite water, that's just how I've always seen it, I understand rivers running dry etc, but the water levels would stay the same, that water will have moved elsewhere in the world, such as seas or mountains again, then it starts a different river

Unless anybody can tell me why this theory is incorrect, I would like to see opinions
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Dasadan2 on February 04, 2011, 12:32:30 PM
I don't get how this water shenanigan is going on like this

It's basically an infinite loop

You drink water, you piss it out, it gets cleansed, it gets released again, can be used again

It evaporates, goes into the clouds then rains it down again

You drink pepsi, which has water in it, piss it out, same as before

Infinite water, that's just how I've always seen it, I understand rivers running dry etc, but the water levels would stay the same, that water will have moved elsewhere in the world, such as seas or mountains again, then it starts a different river

Unless anybody can tell me why this theory is incorrect, I would like to see opinions

You make a good point, but I think that people are more worried about the reduce in fresh water and rising salt water.

It's more about the speed of how the salt water can be 'Cleansed' into drinkable fresh water that has people worried.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 04, 2011, 12:50:08 PM
I don't get how this water shenanigan is going on like this

It's basically an infinite loop

You drink water, you piss it out, it gets cleansed, it gets released again, can be used again

It evaporates, goes into the clouds then rains it down again

You drink pepsi, which has water in it, piss it out, same as before

Infinite water, that's just how I've always seen it, I understand rivers running dry etc, but the water levels would stay the same, that water will have moved elsewhere in the world, such as seas or mountains again, then it starts a different river

Unless anybody can tell me why this theory is incorrect, I would like to see opinions

Indeed that is true, but cleansing water takes energy. This is provided by the sun and gravity on earth. The sun evaporates the water removing the contaminants lifting it up to the clouds adding a lot of potential energy to the water as well.
The potential energy is stored in the form of the distance from the surface of the earth as when it falls it gravity adds energy to the process. Once it hits the earth it seeps through soils and bedrock to further purify the water.

With enough energy anything is possible. We could even make water from scratch by fusing enough particles together to create oxygen, and then reacting it with hydrogen. This of course is not a very efficient process as to get a cup of water would take an astronomical amount of energy in our terms. But in theory anything is possible.

However your infinite water recirculation idea isn't quite 100% true, as we do lose i microscopic amount of water when its blown off along with a small amount of the atmosphere, as well as whenever we create rocket fuels, in some cases the hydrogen and oxygen is created by splitting up water (electrolyzing).

But rocket fuel is mostly made from natural gas Steam cracking to get hydrogen, and the oxygen is condensed out of the atmosphere  :P
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: » Magic « on February 04, 2011, 02:59:10 PM
Indeed that is true, but cleansing water takes energy. This is provided by the sun and gravity on earth. The sun evaporates the water removing the contaminants lifting it up to the clouds adding a lot of potential energy to the water as well.
The potential energy is stored in the form of the distance from the surface of the earth as when it falls it gravity adds energy to the process. Once it hits the earth it seeps through soils and bedrock to further purify the water.

With enough energy anything is possible. We could even make water from scratch by fusing enough particles together to create oxygen, and then reacting it with hydrogen. This of course is not a very efficient process as to get a cup of water would take an astronomical amount of energy in our terms. But in theory anything is possible.

However your infinite water recirculation idea isn't quite 100% true, as we do lose i microscopic amount of water when its blown off along with a small amount of the atmosphere, as well as whenever we create rocket fuels, in some cases the hydrogen and oxygen is created by splitting up water (electrolyzing).

But rocket fuel is mostly made from natural gas Steam cracking to get hydrogen, and the oxygen is condensed out of the atmosphere  :P

Everytime you post I learn something from you lol

Yus I know about electrolyzing, Didn't think about the energy bit though

Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Osme on February 04, 2011, 03:12:38 PM
I don't get how this water shenanigan is going on like this

It's basically an infinite loop

You drink water, you piss it out, it gets cleansed, it gets released again, can be used again

It evaporates, goes into the clouds then rains it down again

You drink pepsi, which has water in it, piss it out, same as before

Infinite water, that's just how I've always seen it, I understand rivers running dry etc, but the water levels would stay the same, that water will have moved elsewhere in the world, such as seas or mountains again, then it starts a different river

Unless anybody can tell me why this theory is incorrect, I would like to see opinions
a tiny % will always break free of atmosphere
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Supertoaster on February 04, 2011, 04:23:15 PM
If I was going to die I would probably choose the Apocalypse because then I would have the most interesting story to tell in Heaven.

"Yo dude how did you die?"

"Got hit by a bus, man."

"How about you?"

"Heart Attack, how about you?"

Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 04, 2011, 04:27:55 PM
If I was going to die I would probably choose the Apocalypse because then I would have the most interesting story to tell in Heaven.

"Yo dude how did you die?"

"Got hit by a bus, man."

"How about you?"

"Heart Attack, how about you?"


I take your apocalypse, and raise you a:

Flaming monster-truck off a cliff, running into a low-flying F22 while blasting "Highway to Hell"

Cause there will be 6 Billion + other people who get to claim the Apocalypse death.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Cheesicle on February 04, 2011, 05:45:20 PM
If I was going to die I would probably choose the Apocalypse because then I would have the most interesting story to tell in Heaven.

"Yo dude how did you die?"

"Got hit by a bus, man."

"How about you?"

"Heart Attack, how about you?"


Better one would be like: "I was the last survivor from Shanghai to make it out alive. I witnessed the city crumbling as I flew off. My plane crash landed in Buckingham Palace where I accidentally killed the Queen. Since London was already in chaos, I didn't face any resistance as I jacked another plane and flew to DC. I made it to the Capital and begged the President to spare my family. Turns out the Government didn't prepare shit and we're all doomed. I died in the same room as Barack Obama, when the statue of Abraham Lincoln from his memorial was washed out and crashed into the Oval Office, smashing me and the President. Then another huge wave came and destroyed the White House."

What a story to tell.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 04, 2011, 06:05:55 PM
Better one would be like: "I was the last survivor from Shanghai to make it out alive. I witnessed the city crumbling as I flew off. My plane crash landed in Buckingham Palace where I accidentally killed the Queen. Since London was already in chaos, I didn't face any resistance as I jacked another plane and flew to DC. I made it to the Capital and begged the President to spare my family. Turns out the Government didn't prepare shit and we're all doomed. I died in the same room as Barack Obama, when the statue of Abraham Lincoln from his memorial was washed out and crashed into the Oval Office, smashing me and the President. Then another huge wave came and destroyed the White House."

What a story to tell.

Well, if what nibiru's going to do is anything to go by, it will be more along the line of...

While I was running to my plane, I seen a bright flash on the horizon, my skin melted off, and I sank into the newly molten ground.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: » Magic « on February 05, 2011, 01:41:27 AM

I take your apocalypse, and raise you a:

Flaming monster-truck off a cliff, running into a low-flying F22 while blasting "Highway to Hell"

Cause there will be 6 Billion + other people who get to claim the Apocalypse death.

Fucking lol
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Bear on February 05, 2011, 05:47:51 AM
eventually Earth will be destroyed, its just not certain when its gonna happen…
and as there have been said, if there was anything about this big-ass-planet, you dont think it would be public, secrets or no secrets…
theres no data's wich confirms the theory…

even if it should happen, we got a hole shit fuck of nukes which i believe can blow this planet into a shitfuck of pieces…
just to minor the damage that Nibiru might cause…

For now, i'll just say its a spoof… mayans is trolling us :trollface:
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 05, 2011, 08:04:40 PM

even if it should happen, we got a hole shit fuck of nukes which i believe can blow this planet into a shitfuck of pieces…
just to minor the damage that Nibiru might cause…

Contrary to popular beleif, nukes dont actually do much to defend against incoming objects.

Considering Nibiru is allegedly a planet, it would pretty much nothing at all to the planet.

Remember this?
So to instantly stop the earth from rotating, it would require a perfectly placed instantaneous transfer of energy into the earth equivalent to a 51,147,227,533,460 Megaton Explosion  :D To give you perspective, the largest atomic bomb ever Tsar Bomb was 50 Megatons.

That means it would take a 51,147,27,533,460 Megaton explosion just to stop the earth from rotating, and you want to try to move something similarly large?

It would actually be worse, if you were to blow up an incoming asteroid, since it increases the area in which it causes devastation.
Although in the case of Nibiru if something that big hit us it really wouldn't matter if it was in pieces or in whole, we would be toast all the same.

Scientists estimate that the solar system's habitable zone will leave the area around earth in ~1 billion years. So in about a billion years earth will resemble mercury or Venus.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Supertoaster on February 05, 2011, 08:37:26 PM
Contrary to popular beleif, nukes dont actually do much to defend against incoming objects.

Considering Nibiru is allegedly a planet, it would pretty much nothing at all to the planet.

Remember this?
That means it would take a 51,147,27,533,460 Megaton explosion just to stop the earth from rotating, and you want to try to move something similarly large?

It would actually be worse, if you were to blow up an incoming asteroid, since it increases the area in which it causes devastation.
Although in the case of Nibiru if something that big hit us it really wouldn't matter if it was in pieces or in whole, we would be toast all the same.

Scientists estimate that the solar system's habitable zone will leave the area around earth in ~1 billion years. So in about a billion years earth will resemble mercury or Venus.
ice on mars melts > water > profit?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Xrain on February 05, 2011, 11:04:57 PM
Try more like pluto, or some moons of the gas giants.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: bipolardiz on February 06, 2011, 02:19:46 PM
Contrary to popular beleif, nukes dont actually do much to defend against incoming objects.

Considering Nibiru is allegedly a planet, it would pretty much nothing at all to the planet.

Remember this?
That means it would take a 51,147,27,533,460 Megaton explosion just to stop the earth from rotating, and you want to try to move something similarly large?

It would actually be worse, if you were to blow up an incoming asteroid, since it increases the area in which it causes devastation.
Although in the case of Nibiru if something that big hit us it really wouldn't matter if it was in pieces or in whole, we would be toast all the same.

Scientists estimate that the solar system's habitable zone will leave the area around earth in ~1 billion years. So in about a billion years earth will resemble mercury or Venus.

Nibiru isnt supposed to enter into our atmosphere, I think if it were possible to actual destroy it and make it into smaller pieces, it would then enter our atmosphere in a firery storm of death. Would you agree?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Deacon on February 06, 2011, 02:25:11 PM
correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the idea of using nukes meant to blow the planet off course, not blow the planet up?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Rocket50 on February 06, 2011, 02:39:43 PM
correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the idea of using nukes meant to blow the planet off course, not blow the planet up?

but the planet is massive, and a nuke is tiny compared to it. Thats like trying to knock Earth off orbit with nukes. Not gonna happen
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Bear on February 06, 2011, 03:20:37 PM
How can anyone know if its huge, if theres no data or proof of it?
might as well be as big as pluto?…

and dosen't the speed have anything 2 do with the damage it will do?
if it travels fast, it would deal greather damage, than an slow moving object?
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Cake Faice on February 06, 2011, 03:23:17 PM
I place my bet that Saturn will come in-contact with Earths orbit and liek, cause a gaint world-wide tornado with the massive winds or suffocate us with it's gases.  :trollface:
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Deacon on February 06, 2011, 03:49:20 PM
but the planet is massive, and a nuke is tiny compared to it. Thats like trying to knock Earth off orbit with nukes. Not gonna happen

the hope (so i think) is that the shockwave will be enough to push the thing away. even if it is moved by one degree, if it is a billion miles away (or whatever) it will change its trajectory.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Bear on February 06, 2011, 04:14:54 PM
the hope (so i think) is that the shockwave will be enough to push the thing away. even if it is moved by one degree, if it is a billion miles away (or whatever) it will change its trajectory.

Nibiru collides with sun xD
cheap sun-vacations  :trollface:
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: Cheesicle on February 07, 2011, 02:22:44 AM
but the planet is massive, and a nuke is tiny compared to it. Thats like trying to knock Earth off orbit with nukes. Not gonna happen

Remember, the USA has enough nukes to blow up Earth 13 times over. Combine that with Russia and God knows how many nukes NK has, Goodbye Nibiru.
Title: Re: I don't know what to think?
Post by: jimonions on February 07, 2011, 02:39:17 AM
i dont believe the term was "blow up earth" but more likely wipe out the human race 13 times over.