And this is why kids should be spanked.
And this is why kids should be spanked.Inb4 laws about child abuse thread
I am noooooot sure if this has been posted before or not, I apologize if it has. My friend sent it to me today and I thought it was simply...
satisfying?,3770 (,3770)I thought as much. Oh well, it's still funny either way.
If it's a year old and something worthy of a gold sticker, its bound to have been already posted.
Sadly today's liberal standards prevent that.For good reasons too. When a child is rhythmically slapped throughout childhood often deal with:
- higher aggression
- low self-esteem
- low I.Q.
- substance abuse and domestic violence as adults
- sexual problems (BDSM shit)
For good reasons too. When a child is rhythmically slapped throughout childhood often deal with:Err, I thought seb was referring to putting them over your knee and spanking their ass.
I'm not saying to not punish your children for doing wrong, but their are better methods than rhythmically slapping them.
I'm not saying to not punish your children for doing wrong, but their are better methods than rhythmically slapping them.
Err, I thought seb was referring to putting them over your knee and spanking their ass.When someone gets spanked, their ass checks make rhythmic slapping sounds, which is why I call it getting rhythmically slapped instead of spanking.
When someone gets spanked, their ass checks make rhythmic slapping sounds, which is why I call it getting rhythmically slapped instead of spanking.But the spanking method was pretty popular among parent discipline for decades, and I don't think that caused just about every adult in American society to have the problems you listed.
For good reasons too. When a child is rhythmically slapped throughout childhood often deal with:Quote
higher aggression
low self-esteem
low I.Q.
substance abuse and domestic violence as adults
sexual problems (BDSM shit)
I'm not saying to not punish your children for doing wrong, but their are better methods than rhythmically slapping them.
But the spanking method was pretty popular among parent discipline for decades, and I don't think that caused just about every adult in American society to have the problems you listed.
Plus, have you noticed the amount of brats and ass holes we have today compared to before?Exactly, parents don't punish anymore. Instead they just put their kids in "time out", which solves absolutely nothing a large majority of the time. That, or they just give in to the child, or worse case: they don't give a shit about the child. Which then the child will grow up to become troubled because not many people will guide them in the right direction/cared for them.
There's no need for spanking.
A strong slap,
A strong slap where exactly? And what difference is there between a spanking and a slap other than where you slap them?
a strong pull on the ears
Although this is okay, I still believe a spanking is more effective. The way I see it is pulling an ear is sort of a mother's thing while spanking is a father's thing. At least, that's how I saw it in the old movies.
a cold head shower is enough.
Meh. I'd rather just take the 5 seconds to spank a child and hug him afterwards than spend the time it would take to undress him, pull him in the shower, and dry him off afterwards. Plus, why waste water?
Exactly, parents don't punish anymore. Instead they just put their kids in "time out", which solves absolutely nothing a large majority of the time. That, or they just give in to the child, or worse case: they don't give a shit about the child. Which then the child will grow up to become troubled because not many people will guide them in the right direction/cared for them.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe with that at all. My parents spanked me and my brothers when we screwed up, and I'm not dealing with any of the things you've listed. In fact, I'm glad with who I've turned out to be.I'm not saying you ARE going to be some of those things, I'm saying you're more likely to be some of those things. I was never spanked, and I don't go around calling everyone a pussy ass bitch and whine about trivial shit. I got that info out of a study from the University of Texas at Austin about spanking.
Plus, have you noticed the amount of brats and ass holes we have today compared to before?
While spanking might stop a child in his tracks for the moment, it doesn’t shape his character or give him the resources he needs to make better decisions in the future.
Oh lawd.
Oh lawd.(
You can say no without rhythmically slapping your kid.
If a person does something wrong, do you rhythmically slap them, or do you tell them "No, blah blah blah". Of course you don't rhythmically slap them, because you're more likely to get your shit pushed in. Actually thinking about it, I was rhythmically slapped once by my dad. You know what I thought? Not "Oh I'm in the wrong, I'll obey you.". It was more like "Wait until I get that belt and you're going to be sorry." Even the reason of me getting rhythmically slapped was due to bias and just plain wrong.
Actually thinking about it, I was rhythmically slapped once by my dad. You know what I thought? Not "Oh I'm in the wrong, I'll obey you.". It was more like "Wait until I get that belt and you're going to be sorry." Even the reason of me getting rhythmically slapped was due to bias and just plain wrong.
How would you felt if you were treated like this by the government, or police? I'm not talking about rhythmic slapping, but getting the living shit beat out of you. It's not ethically right, so why is it okay if parents do it. They're basically the 'police' or 'government' of the household. I rather have a household where I can get my say into things without getting rhythmically slapped.
Oh and also, about those brats. The parents more than likely had no backbone in the first place, so they wouldn't do it even if it was 'allowed'. I knew a guy that did get corporeal punishment into his teens, and he still was your typical douchebag. It really depends on your traits, it's what happens to you in your childhood that either enhance them or dull them down.
There is a reason why children are spanked and not adults. Children are still learning the difference between right and wrong.(
big wall o' text
I hope you realize you just pointed out that you're teaching your kids that they'll be physically assaulted by our sworn protectors for every minor offense they commit when they grow up.
I hope you realize you just pointed out that you're teaching your kids that they'll be physically assaulted by our sworn protectors for every minor offense they commit when they grow up.
I've thought about this, and I've come up with that it really depends on the traits and characteristics of the certain kid.
As about it being looked down. It's like gun rights; it was an important part of our past, but it's somewhat frowned upon today, due to gun related deaths. There are some good uses for guns, but bad uses as well. This can apply to rhythmically slapping a kid. It depends on how it's done. In your case, it was a "It'll teach him to know it's wrong", not "I'm going to beat the shit out of him because I've had a bad day and I'm a straw picking son of a bitch!". It depends on how and why it's use, and the physiological effects on the kid.
I want my children to grow up not wanting to be trouble (but of course that doesn't work out so well for teenagers) and to respect the authorities.
I find it ironic that the person who didn't get spanked is all up in arms about spanking. Maybe you just jelly.
Yes, in a disgustingly masochistic way. Fucking pervert. physically hurting them.
But like I said before, which do you think is more effective. Spanking a child, or sending him to time-out?Neither.
Neither.This is how I get disciplined.
Take away whatever they treasure most. It'd be the closest analogy to whatever law punishment they'd get for a crime.
Take away whatever they treasure most. It'd be the closest analogy to whatever law punishment they'd get for a crime.
I'm not trying to prove that spanking a child is the only and best way to raise a child, because it's not. I'm just trying to say that, if handled responsibly, spanking can be effective and not as harmful to the kid as most people believe.
This thread.
Goddammit guys.
Welcome to RDN.
And Tiger Guy, if I hear you use the term "rhythmically slapping" one more fucking time, I swear to god I'm going to play football with a baby.
Okay I promise, no more horseplay, in this thread at least.Can we get back on the mane topic of the thread please?
Okay I promise, no more horseplay, in this thread at least.
Can we get back on the mane topic of the thread please?
I hoof you know that we're just horsing around in this thread.
Go buck yourselves for such puns.
I hoof you know that we're just horsing around in this thread.(
Can we get back on the mane topic of the thread please?
For how long, and what do you do when they disobey? Sure, you can send your child to time-out, but what do they really think? "oh, this isn't so bad. I just have to sit here for five minutes and then I can play again." Spanking (from my experiences) is more like, "shit, I don't want to punch my brother in the face anymore if my dad is going to spank me like that again."I honestly strongly agree with Tiger in this. Spanking or physical means of discipline aren't necessary imo, and are generally rather counter productive. My dad used to spank me. Not often at all, but my reaction to it would be a lot more like Tiger's. For me it would be more like "Shit, I don't want to punch my brother in the face anymore if my dad is going to spank me like that again. I'd rather have a go at my dad instead." And I'm not at all a violent person either. But that to me made me violent towards my dad.
Everything you wrote makes sense, but what I'm trying to get at is in today's society, simply spanking your kid is looked down upon by many people and it annoys me.
It depends on who it is and what age they are. Obviously I'm going to punish my 5 year old kid differently from my 15 year old younger brother.
How old were you when this happened?
If you were around 10 and this was your first spanking, then yeah, I can sort of see why you were a bit defiant. However, when you grow up with something like that, it's part of your life style. You can't truly be mad because you knew you'd get punished for it. That conscience. "You probably don't want to talk back at dad if you don't want to get spanked again." Eventually, that becomes the norm for you. You grow up thinking, "No way in hell is my son going to talk back to me!" and so on and so forth.
When I say spanking, I mean like one or two pops. If I cursed, my dad would bring me to his room and pop my behind. I remember this one time I was playing with my brother and we were just swinging plastic swords at each other. I decided to jab him, and for whatever reason, the sword ended up going down his throat. After pulling it out and my brother ratting out on me, over exaggerating that the sword went down to his lungs, my dad proceeded to spank me twice. Did he believe my brother? Probably not the "all the way down to my lungs" part, but yes. Was I mad? a little, but more because my brother over reacted. It was never really a pop and go kind of thing though, my parents would always hug me afterwards and tell me they loved me. Maybe then I didn't care, but thinking back, I realize how much that meant to me.
There is a reason why children are spanked and not adults. Children are still learning the difference between right and wrong. Adults have already developed their personalities and traits. It's extremely more difficult to change an adult than it is a child.
Yes, that is true. But wouldn't they feel more comfortable if that was the norm? "Come on, everyone is doing it". Truth is, they probably wouldn't, but there would be those few who would. As for the kid who was still a douchebag, well, there are some things you can't change I suppose. But part of spanking is the approach I believe. There is going to be a different reaction from a child who is spanked by his/her father who uses spanking as a warning compared to parents who try to explain things and give a warning if the situation isn't all that bad.
Welp time to kill myselfAre you getting frustrated>
Welp time to kill myself
Da Faq, has this really been bothering you since July?It's only child abuse if you use a coat hanger.
You guys are debating parenting methods, it's like trying to figure out what tastes best, apples or oranges.
Almost all of the above work, spanking your kid obviously doesn't cause permanent trauma if used correctly and in the right context. If you don't want to go that route, w/e it's your child, you should know how to most effectively teach them.
It's pretty clear when things like this turn into physical/mental abuse.