.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Entertainment (Read Only) => Videos => Topic started by: Astropilot on April 04, 2012, 10:21:49 AM
I wonder what the actual file is.
I wonder what the actual file is.
are you dumb
are you dumb
are you dumb
You just found out?
You just found out?
Is that a trick question?
Is that a trick question?
find the logout button
find the logout button
Found it.
>astro thinks that by playing along with us, he won't look like a retard, when in reality, it isn't helping.
>astro thinks that by playing along with us, he won't look like a retard, when in reality, it isn't helping.
>astro thinks that by playing along with us, he won't look like a retard, when in reality, it isn't helping.
I'm actually posting what I want.
(BTW this thread has now become a flame Astropilot for reacting towards what someone said in their opinion)
(BTW this thread has now become a flame Astropilot for reacting towards what someone said in their opinion)
That happens in every thread you post though.
That happens in every thread you post though.
Weird huh? :idk:
If this is an act (99.99% sure it is), stop it now.
If you are truly this stupid, logout until you learn social skills.
I'm a touhoufag. But this is clearly too much.
I'm a touhoufag. But this is clearly too much.
Nobody gives a fuck.
Nobody gives a fuck.
Did I want anyone to give a fuck. No.
Did I want anyone to give a fuck. No.
You're bringing this on yourself, man.
You're bringing this on yourself, man.
Ain't my fault everyone replies to me.
Ain't my fault everyone replies to me.
If you don't want people to give a fuck about it...
If you don't want people to give a fuck about it...
What? I can't relate to threads anymore?
What? I can't relate to threads anymore?
You can, but it's the attitude that's pissing people off, including me.
You can, but it's the attitude that's pissing people off, including me.
Then tell me. How is the attitude in that post offensive? It was never like I wanted to piss someone off.
Annnnnnnnnd- topic derailed.
Then tell me. How is the attitude in that post offensive? It was never like I wanted to piss someone off.
Post what you want, just without that attitude.
Post what you want, just without that attitude.
That was definitely not my intention. I did not say I'm a touhoufag without any reason. Lets see.
Devies thread says "fucking weeaboos"
My post: "I'm a touhoufag, but this clearly too much (Lets leave the picture out)
Now lets remove "Im a touhoufag". Now we are left with "This is clearly too much". Now lets see those two posts
"fucking weaboos"
"This is clearly too much"
Now I don't want to say that I'm an extreme weaboo. I want to reduce that to a smaller category. So instead of saying I'm a weaboo I say I'm a touhoufag.
My point is that I am not bragging about me being a touhoufag. I am categorizing of where I am. Never really meant to hurt anyone. No offence I think you're just directly attacking the content of the post at will.
The only time I will say "LOOK AT ME. I'M A TOUHOUFAG. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK. BUT STILL, I'M GOING POST IT EVERYWHERE." is ingame but not in a place where it will stay permanently.
That was definitely not my intention. I did not say I'm a touhoufag without any reason. Lets see.
Devies thread says "fucking weeaboos"
My post: "I'm a touhoufag, but this clearly too much (Lets leave the picture out)
Now lets remove "Im a touhoufag". Now we are left with "This is clearly too much". Now lets see those two posts
"fucking weaboos"
"This is clearly too much"
Now I don't want to say that I'm an extreme weaboo. I want to reduce that to a smaller category. So instead of saying I'm a weaboo I say I'm a touhoufag.
My point is that I am not bragging about me being a touhoufag. I am categorizing of where I am. Never really meant to hurt anyone. No offence I think you're just directly attacking the content of the post at will.
The only time I will say "LOOK AT ME. I'M A TOUHOUFAG. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK. BUT STILL, I'M GOING POST IT EVERYWHERE." is ingame but not in a place where it will stay permanently.
You didn't say it literally.
You said it with your response to Snivy.
You didn't say it literally.
You said it with your response to Snivy.
What I'm trying to post =/= How much I want people to care
Also: So you want me to reason every thread I post?
Ok. Now, can we just settle down. We have gone a whole page off the topic. We all have different interests. Some of us are "Bronies",etc. And I don't see much people give them shit about it. Just ignore it and go on. Though stating that Astropilot is a "Touhoufag" wasn't of much relevance to the picture, we can all just let it pass, and not waste time in a pointless argument.
You're bringing this on yourself, man.
That's right you are. And so am I.
Also: So you want me to reason every thread I post?
Not our fault you can't differentiate between posting something retarded/redundant, and something of relevance.
Not our fault you can't differentiate between posting something retarded/redundant, and something of relevance.
Well then you just don't get things I say. Try to understand and speaking of relevance, yes I post things that are relevant at most times. You don't tolerate them and say they're retarded, even if it's a question.
Well then you just don't get things I say. Try to understand.
That's like trying to read a book on the highest level of rocket science, when you're majoring in food and cultural arts.
No one understands because it makes 0 fucking sense.
Yeah, this thread is screwed. Well to be on track. Whenever I go to a local comic festival, It's surrounded with 8 year olds who want to be Ben 10. It drives me insane. The stands are surrounded by little fools who just stand there. I WANT MY FRIGGIN COMICS! Sadly, in Australia there aren't any Manga/Anime themed expo's. I would be all over that. Though I would be the only one there...
Yeah, this thread is screwed. Well to be on track. Whenever I go to a local comic festival, It's surrounded with 8 year olds who want to be Ben 10. It drives me insane. The stands are surrounded by little fools who just stand there. I WANT MY FRIGGIN COMICS! Sadly, in Australia there aren't any Manga/Anime themed expo's. I would be all over that. Though I would be the only one there...
god I hate that show.
So yeah, I'm just going to merge all the arguments between astropilot and everyone else that I see in this thread.
The thread title made me think about this: Tupac - Me Against The World (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cjv7hEAytU#)
That's like trying to read a book on the highest level of rocket science, when you're majoring in food and cultural arts.
No one understands because it makes 0 fucking sense.
Yes it does. You're only taking it in the wrong direction.
Why the hell is this in videos?
Did I want anyone to give a fuck. No.
Seriously? THIS got -4?
What is wrong with you people?
Yes it does. You're only taking it in the wrong direction.
I'm not going to further argue on your amount of derp that you're showing off right now.
I'm not going to further argue on your amount of derp that you're showing off right now.
That's what you believe. Remember that the arguments started, not because of me. It's because everyone wants to reply with something smart to say.
That's what you believe. Remember that the arguments started, not because of me. It's because everyone wants to reply with something smart to say.
That's because you replied with something utterly retarded, and when prompted as to why you replied so, you post more retarded shit that makes you look like a gigantic cunt.
That's because you replied with something utterly retarded, and when prompted as to why you replied so, you post more retarded shit that makes you look like a gigantic cunt.
Well you could've kept your mouth shut and consider my post not as something offensive. Now this time I'm going to reason with you guys and see what's wrong.
Well you could've kept your mouth shut and consider my post not as something offensive.
It's not offensive. That's the thing. It's so fucking passive aggressive that it pisses everyone off to read
It's not offensive. That's the thing. It's so fucking passive aggressive that it pisses everyone off to read
That still counts as offensive. You don't like it you feel offended by it. That has only been severely done only once. Now I'm going to reason with you.
That still counts as offensive. You don't like it you feel offended by it. That has only been severely done only once. Now I'm going to reason with you.
This ENTIRE thread is filled with your passive aggressive responses
This ENTIRE thread is filled with your passive aggressive responses
If that's what you want to say then fine. That doesn't change the reasons of the posts.
If that's what you want to say then fine. That doesn't change the reasons of the posts.
It does change the reason how people react to your post
It does change the reason how people react to your post
Well than that's the problem everyone has. Learn to read carefully instead of instantly charging at a subject.
If that's what you want to say then fine. That doesn't change the reasons of the posts.
You're a retard.
You're a retard.
*Sigh* You know what. Replace reason with topic. Is that good enough for you?
If that's what you want to say then fine. That doesn't change the reasons of the posts.
Your responses are going to make Tali have to use her emergency induction port.
Your logic is similar to this:
"Fuck you" *people get offended*
"You just should have ignored it and not taken offense to it"
Your logic is similar to this:
"Fuck you" *people get offended*
"You just should have ignored it and not taken offense to it"
That's exactly what he's doing.
Your logic is similar to this:
"Fuck you" *people get offended*
"You just should have ignored it and not taken offense to it"
What I'm trying to say is
You're all too retarded to know what I'm saying. Look at it from a different prospective
Stop being so prejudice. I post things for a god damn reason.
"Fuck you" *people get offended
"You just should have ignored it and not taken offense to it"
-No. I'm saying you're all seeing it the wrong way.
Dumb shit here
Okay Astro, I think you should just leave. You've proven to us that you have some mental retardation.
What I'm trying to say is
You're all too retarded to know what I'm saying. Look at it from a different prospective
Stop being so prejudice. I post things for a god damn reason.
"Fuck you" *people get offended
"You just should have ignored it and not taken offense to it"
-No. I'm saying you're all seeing it the wrong way.
I could shove my arm down my throat, manually rewire my internal organs so as to gain the ability to spew diarrhea from my mouth, and make a better, more coherent argument.
"Fuck you" *people get offended
"You just should have ignored it and not taken offense to it"
-No. I'm saying you're all seeing it the wrong way.
what the goddamn zog does that even mean. Please, try to explain it in a way that is a little more in-depth, although with the kinds of people on this forum I personally highly doubt anybody else will change their mind on you.
Okay Astro, I think you should just leave. You've proven to us that you have some mental retardation.
Explain how the fuck do you think I have this retardation. You're saying things without any clear reason at all. Is it because you don't like the things I say? Do you hate the fact that I'm a brony/touhoufag/anything?
I don't know what the fuck is going on, but this is almost turning into a flame war. To ab.randomgs.com!
And possibly lock this ._.
Explain how the fuck do you think I have this retardation. You're saying things without any clear reason at all. Is it because you don't like the things I say? Do you hate the fact that I'm a brony/touhoufag/anything?
Like I said in my post, you could cut it with the passive-aggressiveness and maybe try to explain more indepth what you're trying to say. That itself will earn respect from me, although it'll take everybody else a little longer to warm up to you. Evidently, seeing as you're willing to put up with all this shit, you want to stay here really bad, so you could also pull a Supertoaster.
Do you hate the fact that I'm a brony/touhoufag/anything?
I hate the fact that you think that you're witty enough to think of some comment to backlash at people, instead of claiming up to your own derp posts. Maybe if you'd stop trying to argue back over a derp post, and own up to it, realize your mistake, correct it, and move on, people would respect you far better.
what the goddamn zog does that even mean. Please, try to explain it in a way that is a little more in-depth, although with the kinds of people on this forum I personally highly doubt anybody else will change their mind on you.
Example: I ask a question. You all think I'm retarded. I asked a god damn question. Yet no one answers it so they keep the fact that I'm dumb.
Example: I say something in my opinion. My opinion is forcefully attacked by hatred and unapproval because of its subject.
Example: I say vannila. You think I meant to say chocolate.
I hate the fact that you think that you're witty enough to think of some comment to backlash at people, instead of claiming up to your own derp posts. Maybe if you'd stop trying to argue back over a derp post, and own up to it, realize your mistake, correct it, and move on, people would respect you far better.
I don't think that at all. I wasn't the one that started this argument. I didn't make any mistakes in the post I posted. The post I had was an opinion. Not a statement I randomly thought of saying. You're all the ones that are trying to gang up on me since I said "Touhoufag" then all of a sudden "HATE HATE HATE HATE"
You're all the ones that are trying to gang up on me since I said "Touhoufag" then all of a sudden "HATE HATE HATE HATE"
It goes back farther in that. No one cares if you're a Touhoufag/brony/whatever, but if you go around with an attitude like "HERP DURP I'M A TOUHOUFAG, DEAL WITH IT", no one will show you any sign of positive respect.
Astro, stop blaming everyone complaining on you because you said you're a "touhoufag"... NO ONE is being prejudice, NO ONE has made ANY comment about you liking anime, ponies, or any of that shit. So stop it, people simply don't like your general attitude which you portray whether you realize it or not. As everyone has said so many times, you are EXTREMELY passive-aggressive. Try to stop it.
For everyone: Stop being so offensive. Discussing w.e is fine but stop with the insults for the love of god, it just makes everything worse.
It goes back farther in that. No one cares if you're a Touhoufag/brony/whatever, but if you go around with an attitude like "HERP DURP I'M A TOUHOUFAG, DEAL WITH IT", no one will show you any sign of positive respect.
I didn't say those words to make people care. In fact I give no fucks if people would even actually care. I said it to describe myself being a part of them, but can't deal with them. Now will you understand that I am not trying to get any attention.
As everyone has said so many times, you are EXTREMELY passive-aggressive. Try to stop it.
I am trying to reason the things I said. I'm trying to post things in a calmer way.
Look, Astro, at this point it would just be best to:
a) Pull a Supertoaster
b) http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,3190.msg44149.html (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,3190.msg44149.html)
I didn't say those words to make people care. In fact I give no fucks if people would even actually care. I said it to describe myself being a part of them, but can't deal with them. Now will you understand that I am not trying to get any attention.
I am trying to reason the things I said. I'm trying to post things in a calmer way.
We never gave a shit whether you were a touhou fag, brony or whatever, but you posted as though you immediately assumed we hated you for it and we have to deal with it. That's partially why.
but you posted as though you immediately assumed we hated you for it and we have to deal with it.
I'll give you one with the deal with it part, however. The me instantly hating you isn't really something I do. I only say things back to offensive replies.
May I just ask for clarification on what it means to "pull a Supertoaster"?
. The me instantly hating you isn't really something I do. I only say things back to offensive replies.
You may need to re-read that.
You may need to re-read that.
*le fix for better understanding
"I don't reply with hate posts instantly when you make a remark. I only say things back to offensive replies of my post.
Hey guys, i'm back from my vacation and what the fuck is going on.
Hey guys, i'm back from my vacation and what the fuck is going on.
Snivy replied. Then I replied to him. Then someone said something else. Then I replied to that guy and then...
I'm getting the fuck outta here.
This is full of nipples playing around.
Okay Astro, please just let this thread be while you still have a little respect from the other users left. Every response is just going to dig you into a deeper hole than you're already in.
Okay Astro, please just let this thread be while you still have a little respect from the other users left. Every response is just going to dig you into a deeper hole than you're already in.
Well then. I guess it's a GG for everyone. No re. We all know what to do. We should build a chronosphere and make it so this never happened. No more topics to argue about.
(https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTFkq9Qcy46nDNcT31fwejgqf0gD4BfYHOvpPTe8FvYf9IiJD2-) (https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmjf3srUWtGql6ppqQWLhcJtie7OTdqQLBSDDyr0M-UtxHD1pw)
Wait so what's a touhoufag
Wait so what's a touhoufag
From what I've seen, an Astropilot.
From what I've seen, an Astropilot.
It's pretty much everyone at http://4chan.org/jp/ (http://4chan.org/jp/)
Please go find a different forum to annoy with you idiocy. please...
When your attitude has improved, you will be welcomed back.
Until then, try somewhere else.
When your attitude has improved, you will be welcomed back.
Until then, try somewhere else.
Honestly I don't think its the attitude. I think it's the subjects of the threads, and how I post.
Honestly I don't think its the attitude. I think it's the subjects of the threads, and how I post.
I don't think its the attitude. I think it's the subjects of the threads, and how I post.
I think it's the subjects of the threads, and how I post.
how I post.
Yes. How I post it. I post it and accidently make it seem bad when I meant to make it good.
I made this thread to avoid a shitstorm between Astro and everyone else.
I have failed. Forgive me.
I made this thread to avoid a shitstorm between Astro and everyone else.
I have failed. Forgive me.
*le fix for better understanding
"I don't reply with hate posts instantly when you make a remark. I only say things back to offensive replies of my post.
inb4 le do--
I made this thread to avoid a shitstorm between Astro and everyone else.
I have failed. Forgive me.