I'll just merge other threads that "don't see" this thread.
I don't think this warrants a sticky.
I think we need a new forum that says "TV shows".all it will be filled with is mlp and code lyoko :thumbsup:
Can someone explain to me what is Code Lyoko?you haven't been here long enough to know
you haven't been here long enough to knowWhat is it, Google is being a cock squeezer.
(http://i43.tinypic.com/34j5737.jpg)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
+Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Make it happen.
What is it, Google is being a cock squeezer.It was a tv show I was infamous for being obsessed with awhile back, I still like it but to a lesser extent now haha, i've been trying to work
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
+Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Make it happen.
You do understand that Lauren made other things than MLP:FiM right?
after a thousand years of not posting anything meaningful, I doth returned.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
No, I'm not a big fan of MLP.. though I was as a kid -- BUT I still like the show (along with other embarrassing shows I like to watch)Rarity
But this is gonna be a thread about which character fits you!
1. Take this quiz and the result will tell you which character you're "supposed" to be. Post your results as a screenshot!
Link is here: http://www.quizazz.com/quiz.php/888694/Which-My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic-pony-are-you/ (http://www.quizazz.com/quiz.php/888694/Which-My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic-pony-are-you/)
2. Post which character YOU THINK YOU ARE.
3. Post which character you think the person before your post would be.
I'll start!
1. This was my result:2. I think I should either be Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash.. Maybe even Rarity in some cases.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
3. null
note that #2 and #3 requires you to actually know the show (watched it before) and know the personalities of these characters to be able to answer.
Thistoo much pony :gtfo:
(http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-creature-zoned.png) (http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-lesson-learned.jpg)
DEATH BATTLE! - Starscream VS Rainbow Dash (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8er83h9Bbn8#ws)
Drunk Guy Sings "The Flim Flam Brothers Song" in TF2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOuNX2azWRQ#ws)
Alcohol, it does things to people.
Warning: turn down your applicable audio devices before viewing.
Does this count? (Turn on volume for maximum effect)(http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd462/Photopanese/Thefuckpony-1.jpg)
Find a FU*KING Pet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHOR9_yMakU#)
(http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd462/Photopanese/Thefuckpony-1.jpg)what the weirdly flying six-legged double-dicked fuck is that
Drunk Guy Sings "The Flim Flam Brothers Song" in TF2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOuNX2azWRQ#ws)lol too much cider for him
Alcohol, it does things to people.
Warning: turn down your applicable audio devices before viewing.
(http://i1221.photobucket.com/albums/dd462/Photopanese/Thefuckpony-1.jpg)I'm guessing that's a referance to that animation about the halo:reach thing?
I took one of them character quizzes too. Except it was a different one.oooo I took that test. I got all around while leaning towards fluttershy. I'm okay with this.
HOW DAFUQ IS DAT POSSIBLE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osvqs9Kqeio#ws)
Rarity =/= Applejack
I took one of them character quizzes too. Except it was a different one.
HOW DAFUQ IS DAT POSSIBLE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osvqs9Kqeio#ws)
Rarity =/= Applejack
Your voice wants me to stab small children.
Okay, What the fuckI sent you a picture of that about a month ago.
Friendship is Witchcraft - "Cute From The Hip" (4) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsHXWDfgCmg#ws)
Skip to 9:20 and watch closely
Replace bass with bronies(http://i42.tinypic.com/2eank8i.png)
I want to ponify myself..
and everyone in rnd
and make a group picture of everyone as a pony
I can imagine coolz' pony version -- with long blond hair all the way down to his hooves.
I can imagine sabb's pony version -- with beautiful black hair and his cutie mark can be a slice of pizza.
etc etc..
I want to ponify myself..I'm pretty sure multiple people would go An Hero as a result.
and everyone in rnd
and make a group picture of everyone as a pony
I can imagine coolz' pony version -- with long blond hair all the way down to his hooves.
I can imagine sabb's pony version -- with beautiful black hair and his cutie mark can be a slice of pizza.
etc etc..
I made this from this
http://jwebgen.com/generate (http://jwebgen.com/generate)
it sucks :/
PS: I'm getting the entire first season on HD. What should I expect?Shit only aimed toward girls but for a few episodes. Other than that, wait for like, season 2 on HD where it's actually a lot more amusing.
THIS THREAD WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA.You must now know what to do.
You must now know what to do.
Death by the Eye Poke Machine in Dead Space 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdP8MsZxw90#ws)
You must now know what to do.Not as bad of thinking about having your knee cap cut off
Death by the Eye Poke Machine in Dead Space 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdP8MsZxw90#ws)
If you can't beat em 'join em :trollface:
I made this a while ago, not really good, but I was hoping to aim for an Aperture Science worker.
reminds me of the smurfs lolOr you're just admiring his ass lol
look I tried to make proudly and I -- I'm planning a sneak attack on proudly but he already knows!
Or you're just admiring his ass lol
oh yeah same in rl!(http://www.myfacewhen.net/uploads/3096-seal-of-gay.png)
There wouldn't be enough despair in the world for me if I did that.
McDonald's Cheerilee....
Well, best way to describe this is "not bad".
I retried.(http://cdn.electricpig.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/oh-god-why.jpg)
Is this suppose to be normal?
(http://images.wikia.com/mylittleponyhub/images/a/aa/Fluttershy3.png)(http://www.underthegunreview.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Skrillex-hair-Getty-C-Flanigan-658x350-200x200.jpg)Because he's totally the only one to have ever had hair like that ._..
Really now, I can't be the only one who thought that.
Because he's totally the only one to have ever had hair like that ._..
http://yudhaikeledai.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-and-Starcraft-Battlecruiser-Unit-Portrait-274714206 (http://yudhaikeledai.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-and-Starcraft-Battlecruiser-Unit-Portrait-274714206)
well this is epic
I finally got BF3 to work.kill her
And I have been playing it a tad too much.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Derpy episode
(https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=dfd642da72&view=att&th=136616c2c421d582&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw)Picture dun goof'd :(
Visual pun!
I think I finalized my decision on whom I like the best!
ButIn his contaminated water, after shitting himself upon sight of said applebloom.
She hides in Squidwards bathtub.
Visual pun!
Read "Sweet Apple Massacre"
I am scared of big mac when he is mad.
Read "Sweet Apple Massacre"I ain't even mad even though that was gruesome and weird.
Read "Sweet Apple Massacre"
How is Isa supposed to hold a scalpel.Same as how Pinkie Pie holds a pencil. Screw logic.
WE GOT SEASON 3 AND A MOVIE happy april fools
See, I'm still not sure if this is part of an april fools joke, or you finally lost all remnants of your sanity.
See, I'm still not sure if this is part of an april fools joke, or you finally lost all remnants of your sanity.
But, a few days ago you said that bronies ruined mass effect and other things with art and shit
They still do, but I still think the show is amazingI know your secret about that image.
I know your secret about that image.
Not sure if actually brony or just trolling us all, we'll see in a few days.
Oh... It's april 1st... I understand why you guys are suspicious of me seeing the horrible things I've said about mlp in the past. but really, it's just bad timing. I hated bronies before because I've never actually watched a single episode before and I just hated because I was a dick...nice april fools
But when I actually did, I realized how good the show is, and more importantly, how much of a dick I've been to the bronies. The show is actually amazing and I love the characters a lot.
I understand if you all hate me now...
Oh... It's april 1st... I understand why you guys are suspicious of me seeing the horrible things I've said about mlp in the past. but really, it's just bad timing. I hated bronies before because I've never actually watched a single episode before and I just hated because I was a dick...
But when I actually did, I realized how good the show is, and more importantly, how much of a dick I've been to the bronies. The show is actually amazing and I love the characters a lot.
I understand if you all hate me now...
I'm so confused right now.
He can't be trolling because he would have disemboweled himself with a spoon by now.
Therefore, only two likely conclusions.
A. Rocket lost his shit.
B. This rocket isn't really rocket.
Yeah I'm done. I cant take it anymore, my face is about to implode.
Suddenly, a wild Tali'Zorah appears.
I am now a Quarian.The first episode you linked me was boring.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The first episode you linked me was boring.
Nice try rocket, you had me partially going there, lol.
Oh just wondering, did you actually do that in minecraft? (Probably not but just want to know what you did)
No, some other brony did it.
i recommend the one where zecora was introduced.Season 1 episode 9
Anyone wanna fill in whether it was season 1 or 2 and which ep #?
shit was fucking hilarious.
...why does twilight have a flacid dildo on her head.Context.
> some other brony
> other brony
> Implying you yourself are a brony
Stop it Rocket.
You're starting to scare me.
http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-never-forget-my-little-pony2.jpg (http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-never-forget-my-little-pony2.jpg)
http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-never-forget-my-little-pony2.jpg (http://chzbronies.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-never-forget-my-little-pony2.jpg)
Obvious fake is obvious.
It was actually a April 1'st joke by the New York Times.
The page can still be found from cache's.
You could've said that before.
Anyway.berry punch wilk always be watching me
Anyway.why did they make September so small. I bet they made it small on purpose. I bet they hate me.
I was happy about the lapdance until I realized it was from a fucking pony.Damn Sabb, you such a playa'.
I was happy about the lapdance until I realized it was from a fucking pony.Yeah, me too. If only it was a real pony...
True story time:>Sees Tim and TanSpoiler (click to show/hide)
APPLEBLOOM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JH8eRff9DCs#ws)
vidPoor Spitfire
Call of Duty 2 - Intro (music) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb-3Dw9viPM#)
I inadvertently discovered how perfect this song goes with the Pinkie video.
Mute the Pinkie video and start the CoD2 music 0:02 into the Pinkie video.
poniesponiesponiesponiesponies yumm :fighterssword:
I had a dream of that before.
I had the ability to travel though dimensions, then I sort of broke the fourth wall and then the ponies and reapers invaded Earth.
me3 ending make me so sad
Because it was so bad?
It was better than Twilight's so I'm glad.
me3 ending make me so sad
What does Mass Effect 3 have to do with MLP?
There's a ME3 general thread you know....
Just wondering, why are haters even here? I thought they don't want to get involved in pony stuff.
You ruined the rhyme we had going on
WhereRocket50, not sure if you're hater or just neutral.
Rocket50, not sure if you're hater or just neutral.
I think you are mistaking my stance on MLP, so I'm going to make it clear:Sorry If I didn't make my statement clear. It's fine. I can take hate as long it doesn't get too personal. idk what I'm thinking.
I strongly dislike the obsessed fandom/fanbase that are the bronies, but I do not hate anyone here specifically for being a brony. What I do hate, however, is anyone who acts out as a brony, shoving shit down peoples' throats and acting like prepubescent girls after a Justin Bieber concert.
I don't just hate because it's cool or edgy, I actually have my reasons. :l
(http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/8fd1bd189c60f4521a18cb0ad9d28ef2/166845%20-%20artist%3Abriskby%20artist%3Arose%20artist%3Arustydooks%20delicious%20food_pony%20Mozzarella_Orgy%20pizza.png)This is the best.
Sabb in pony form.
Dat Finale.BEST EPISODE(S) EVER. The changelings reminded me of Reapers.
BEST EPISODE(S) EVER. The changelings reminded me of Reapers.For a kid's cartoon, that shit was actually pretty intense. I was watching it with my sister, and damn, all the Disney styled songs and dem feels made it actually a nice finale.
For a kid's cartoon, that shit was actually pretty intense. I was watching it with my sister, and damn, all the Disney styled songs and dem feels made it actually a nice finale.IKR? And they said it's a kids show :D
Discord is down to fuck
Striptease from Spitfire
*not bad face*
Clopjob from Applebloom.
Clopjob from Applebloom.Ew. Do you know how many times Squidward shat in it?
ಠ_ಠ*wasn't being serious*
Dat animation.
Epic Wub Time: Musicians of Ponyville (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sob1t-iUCmE#ws)
Best Applejack cosplay(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v466/Blueblur1/GAF/TheFuck.jpg)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Best Applejack cosplaySpoiler (click to show/hide)
Best Applejack cosplay...anyone know a good substance to hide fluid from being scene by a UV light? Because my ceiling can easily be a lamp light if shine upon.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
...anyone know a good substance to hide fluid from being scene by a UV light? Because my ceiling can easily be a lamp light if shine upon.gasoline
So apparently Mark Meer, voice actor of Commander Shepard, is a brony. And likes Applejack.
Him using his endorsement for applejack doesn't necessarily mean he's a bronyMe saying I like Battlefield 3 doesn't necessarily mean I like Battlefield 3.
Me saying I like Battlefield 3 doesn't necessarily mean I like Battlefield 3.
Me saying my generic endorsement of a single type of a MacDonald's burger does not mean I actually eat thereI love to visit old churches.
Me saying my generic endorsement of a single type of a MacDonald's burger does not mean I actually eat there
you know
Mark Meer has done a lot of these requests before.
NSFW JUST INCASE YOU KNOW.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Once you enter this site follow these instructions:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter
http://www.railslove.com/ (http://www.railslove.com/)
NSFW JUST INCASE YOU KNOW.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Revived with post defibrillators
Touhou + Ponies =
Touhou + Ponies = Something I'd rather not happen
Touhou + Ponies = Something I'd rather not happen
HAhey my graphics card is asus but it's some furry instead
http://christwire.org/2012/02/the-sick-truth-behind-my-little-pony-meetups/ (http://christwire.org/2012/02/the-sick-truth-behind-my-little-pony-meetups/)
http://christwire.org/2012/02/the-sick-truth-behind-my-little-pony-meetups/ (http://christwire.org/2012/02/the-sick-truth-behind-my-little-pony-meetups/)
Oh god, so that's what bronies do at their meetups.
Turning other people into gay sodomitesSpoiler (click to show/hide)
Ooo, this forum has a brony fanbase! I knew i'd like this community :D
Ooo, this forum has a brony fanbase! I knew i'd like this community :D
What? No! Thats not what we do at meetups! And bronies DO NOT convert people into gay sodomites
we go there and have fun and discuss our favorite show and characters... theres nothing "queer" about dicussing the things we love ...
As much as I dislike ponies,Yeah his voice is pretty epic. I think he did a voicing in Star Trek also.
I really like Discords voice actor.
I just wanted to mention that.
Yeah his voice is pretty epic. I think he did a voicing in Star Trek also.
As much as I dislike ponies,Funny thing is in season 2, like half of the special voice acting crew were the original voice actors from Ed Edd n' Eddy.
I really like Discords voice actor.
I just wanted to mention that.
Funny thing is in season 2, like half of the special voice acting crew were the original voice actors from Ed Edd n' Eddy.
WaitI know that the voice actor for Double D plays Flim (pony from cider episode without mustache), one of the Kanker sisters (marie I think) plays someone else, and then I believe Ed's voice actor is in an episode somewhere.
Okay, now I'm legitimately curious now.
I forgot to add /poe
oh poes law...Niiiice. The Rainbow Dash one is really good.
i didnt know it was sarcasm, sorry
I made these in minecraft :D :D :D
oh poes law...You have too much time on your feet.
i didnt know it was sarcasm, sorry
I made these in minecraft :D :D :D
oh poes law...That is pretty good.
i didnt know it was sarcasm, sorry
I made these in minecraft :D :D :D
I'm not a brony but...
This is HOT
For pony thread:
They look
like fucking aliens
seriously what the fuck
were they.....
supposed to look human?
I meant, they don't even look like ponies.
They look like a gray.
...oh i see it now.
carry on.
I'm not a brony but...
This is HOT
...I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.
I came
I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions.
no matter what, i cant wait!
it's people like you who make me sick :/
all you do is hate on us without any real reason except that we're different. we try to be tolerant with everyone but you just hate on us, why? we are jus tlike any other fanbase except we actually have a good message!
so dont be haters, and cogs
Surprisingly I don't use brony terms in everyday life unless speaking with a fellow brony but only if they bring it up.I never do unless quoting the show.
Snivy, Rocket50, I believe this thread was made so posts about MLP can be made without negative comments.
If you don't have anything good to say, then stay out.
all you do is hate on us without any real reason except that we're different. we try to be tolerant with everyone but you just hate on us, why?
It's the people who worship the show, and try to fit every aspect of it into their lives that I intensely dislike with a passion.Those are the people who we call ponyfags.
Those are the people who we call ponyfags.
Damn, do you have a whole hd dedicated to brony stuff or what?I think Boogs has a whole notebook dedicated to brony stuff.
I think Boogs has a whole hard drivededicated to brony stuff.fixd
Actually, /mlp/ told me that they prefer the term ponyfag for themselves, and that bronies were the ones who treated it like a religion.I think I would prefer to be called something without the term "fag" in it.
/mlp/ hated bronies. That's what they kept telling me.
Damn, do you have a whole hd dedicated to brony stuff or what?
QuoteI think Boogs has a whole hard drivededicated to brony stuff.fixdSpoiler (click to show/hide)
Good drawing, though :thumbsup:
http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,12056.0.html (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,12056.0.html)
it's people like you who make me sick :/The only reason people would/do ever dislike bronies on here is when they spew pony related stuff out of there ass where it's not relevant or needed. No offense, but that's what you've been doing, even after being told.
all you do is hate on us without any real reason except that we're different. we try to be tolerant with everyone but you just hate on us, why? we are jus tlike any other fanbase except we actually have a good message!
so dont be haters, and cogs
I am Minty Swirl.
Sounds like a mixed drink.
Snoop Dog is Silver Flower.Senor Chang - Gay (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjC1r72hYgQ#ws)
I'm Silver Twinkle.
My parents almost grounded me for this shit, please go in a hole and die of a slow and painful death.
I give it a week or two.Eh?
My parents almost grounded me for this shit, please go in a hole and die of a slow and painful death.
isnt this extremely close to rule 34?
i believe that if you dont want to see pony stuff, you shouldnt go on a pony threadIt's mostly that we just don't want to view ponies with huge human like asses.
i believe that if you dont want to see pony stuff, you shouldnt go on a pony threadShe means that she was almost grounded for have a blatant pony ass arcoss her entire screen.
Horrid Image Here(http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3th7dhx8Q1rv5j9yo1_400.gif)
Found this on /mlp/
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
i believe that if you dont want to see pony stuff, you shouldnt go on a pony threadWe were forced with links to see your stupidity pony posts..
no one is forcing anyone to do anything. you all chose to come here and you blame it on me...
no one is forcing anyone to do anything. you all chose to come here and you blame it on meAnd no-one is forcing you to post pony ass in this thread either, in my opinion it's borderline porn and quite disturbing
the picture doesnt violate forum rules and you removed it when it is about mlp inside the mlp thread.The owner removed it.
And no-one is forcing you to post pony ass in this thread either, in my opinion it's borderline porn and quite disturbingLOL.
Rainbow Dash reminds me of Marie. At least I think it's Rainbow Dash lol.
The blue faggot.
WOO I AM NOW A BLUE FAGGOTThe hair. You're now a poenis.
Rainbow Dash reminds me of Marie. At least I think it's Rainbow Dash lol.For all we know, she could literally be a faggot, but personally, I don't think she is.
The blue faggot.
For all we know, she could literally be a faggot, but personally, I don't think she is.
I am happy to know you have good judgement.I was referring to Rainbow Dash, but okay.
I was referring to Rainbow Dash, but okay.Okay.jpg
Rainbow Dash has to be a dyke.
Honestly, the second I saw Gilda, it's so blatantly obvious.
Boogs ticked for troll.(http://www.myfacewhen.com/images/2.jpg)
By the way, can I have some sweet pony ass pm'd pl0x?
Yeaaaah, be cool guise.
Boogs ticked for troll.Delivered.
By the way, can I have some sweet pony ass pm'd pl0x?
Yeaaaah, be cool guise.
Not that kind of pony.(http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WaVetOBiNyg/TycRel0SOdI/AAAAAAAAAFI/lqie7WHpAj0/s1600/disappointed-so-close-freddie-mercury-l.png)
(http://static.fjcdn.com/comments/Here+you+go+_2ab34c1ee7819d8ecaf83ee1fee44f3c.jpg)I'm glad that image is broken for me.
discords story?
sorry too big :(Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Okay guys, Going to watch my first episode of MLP, wish me luck.
1st episode is probably the 2nd worst of the whole series.
Also, if you can't read the OP, then gtfo.
Epic meal time parody wut
Epic Cupcake Time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJLL-DNu3P4#ws)
(http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Fat+Fuck.+best+name+for+this+fat+boy+wins+my_f9885d_3783444.jpg)Borked but I fix :>
bump cuz lol
Too bad chrysalis was one of the unoriginal villain i've seen.Meh, it's a kid's show. What do you expect?
Meh, it's a kid's show. What do you expect?
I remember kid's show having character defeated by dying or by getting trapped in prison or something.Originally made for kids show, better? :P
But getting defeated by cockyness, then screaming NOOOOOOOOO when flying away team rocket style?
>kids show
>70% of adults watches it
Fuck logic
Ah, I think I see what you're saying. Quite popular with these kinds of endings, and unoriginal as you say. And these kind of moments are a bit cheesy for me.The whole finale was 25% show, 75% commercials so they had to squeeze in everything to get it to be at least 40 minutes long.
Howard Stern Explores Bronies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATBuvElZZig#ws)
Howard Stern Explores Bronies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATBuvElZZig#ws)
Howard Stern Explores Bronies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATBuvElZZig#ws)
I finally understand why they call it Equestria. It's a friken sport involving horses.Um.....
Um.....What do you mean?
I think you may need to go back to several schools.
Well this looks interesting.
http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/08/rumor-possible-season-3-images-time-for.html#idc-cover (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/08/rumor-possible-season-3-images-time-for.html#idc-cover)
3 things:1. Uploader said it took 15 megabytes at 300 dpi so I guess that's pretty high res.
1. I've been looking for a high-res version of that map.
2. "STOP! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your stolen goods are now forfeit."
3. Those last few images looks like what a true post-nuclear wasteland would be like.
Lack of animals and trees, but small shrubs and grasses still live. Plus, it looks like someone used Rarity's place as a temporary shelter.
No. Just. No.
>Be on /x/WTF. But how do they know which hotel?
>someone makes a crossthread to /mlp/
>His link 404's, so it redirects me to the main board.
>I see this at the top>mfwSpoiler (click to show/hide)
WTF. But how do they know which hotel?
The thumbnailed image says "September 8-9'th, Austin, Texas."Oh, I didn't see it. Roleplay everywhere >_>
>Be on /x/(http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/311834_209554155781969_653885897_n.jpg)
>someone makes a crossthread to /mlp/
>His link 404's, so it redirects me to the main board.
>I see this at the top>mfwSpoiler (click to show/hide)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The thumbnailed image says "September 8-9'th, Austin, Texas."I fucking saw the same thread.
Okay.suddenly, mythbusters
suddenly, mythbusters"Just for good measure and trials, we're gonna triple the amount of explosives."
"Today we are testing the myth that a pony is resistant to radiation!"
I'm okay with the second and sixth one.
Lez see, we got spiderman with friends that he pushes out of the picture, GTA kinda looking bullshit show, preteens who think they can dance, ponies, finding nemo side adventures with turtles, and aliens.
>Everyone always talking in green textingda fuq?
Does everyone visit that site?
>401 posts
Jesus christ.
I asdf'dHalf my type of music, half not my type of music.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUYeVWhsLIM&feature=player_embedded# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUYeVWhsLIM&feature=player_embedded#)
Half my type of music, half not my type of music.Both types of my music, super gusta.
Decided meh.
I asdf'd
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUYeVWhsLIM&feature=player_embedded# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUYeVWhsLIM&feature=player_embedded#)
Beautiful... Until there's actually pony shit in there.hey why do you post here if you hate ponies so much
hey why do you post here if you hate ponies so much
Sometimes, there's little gems that pop up, but I have to dig through so much shit that it makes the gems even shinier.Why don;t you just ignore the gems?
Why don;t you just ignore the gems?
Just stop.
Because I'm curious to see what the bronies postThen stop posting bad shit about bronies.
Then stop posting bad shit about bronies.
Then stop posting bad shit about bronies.
Oh shit what.Okay, the sad thing is, that is really likely to actually happen.
Insults don't take affect on me.omg are u a savant?
Insults don't take affect on me.
Insults don't take affect on me.
(http://c.imdoc.fr/private/1/humour/pics-3/photo/1007318100/18487537b89/pics-3-bitch-please-yao-img.jpg)You're very special and you shouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Insults don't take affect on me.
This type of bronyI'm still alive. Problem?
I'm still alive. Problem?
Actually you are dead. It's just magic that makes you feel alive.Holy fuck my sides.
Actually you are dead. It's just magic that makes you feel alive.This make sense. :D
I'm still alive. Problem?No im referring to the fact that im a brony that feel ashamed of other bronies like you
No im referring to the fact that im a brony that feel ashamed of other bronies like you
No im referring to the fact that im a brony that feel ashamed of other bronies like youThat's fine with you.
Just go on ponychan for your daily dose of "Why this is worse than the homestuck fandom".>the /rp/ boards
>the /rp/ boards(http://i.imgur.com/biWQq.png)
>unspeakable horrors
:present:That's fine with you.Why do I feel like whenever I start to forget all the stupid shit you do
Autism.mov (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK9oftkGJLQ#ws)Okay I lol'd.
Yeah so Season 3 on November 10th.With half of the voice actors replaced.
With half of the voice actors replaced.Really? Damn.
And shitty DONUT STEEL OC as the main villain.
Really? Damn.
Have you seen the screens of the villain?[Archive] The Fires of a Brony's Ambition (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDW9M74-RNA#ws)
He really does look like he came straight out of a shitty fanfic.
Cheeselegs and Q at least had good design.
[Archive] The Fires of a Brony's Ambition (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDW9M74-RNA#ws)I forget if this was posted before.
Have you seen the screens of the villain?No. I didn't feel like watching the early releases of stuff.
He really does look like he came straight out of a shitty fanfic.
Cheeselegs and Q at least had good design.
Insanity vidShit what.
uwotm8 viduwotm8
Just saw the villain. You're right Snivy, it does look like a shitty OC.
(http://puu.sh/1pCLE)You brought this upon yourself!
>Don't have enough time to watch both shows
>I'll just watch them both at once.Spoiler: IT BEGINS (click to show/hide)
I want off this ride.
Joe Goes BRONIES (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcsmSF8PYs#ws)Fuck, my sides.
Fuck, my sides.
It was a bit weird though.
Oh my god I need new sides.Gotta love dat double post.
Gotta love dat double post.>implying it matters
>implying it mattersI never implied that it matters o.o
Oh my god I need new sides.
AH YES, VENON2204, THE LONELY BRONY WHO GOES TO PROM WITH HIS ALICORN WAIFU.He owns a Nickleback T-shirt. He must get mad pussy.
We have dismissed those claims.
Probably the best thread simulator as of nowoh god, my face is wat
Pony Thread Simulator V0.20 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6UcDjLeeZc#ws)
[Archive] A Brony Christmas With Fluttershy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfMsjjjrNNw#ws)
God damn...
If you know what you mean.
Nah man he is just gonna eat it for dinner
If you know what you mean.(http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x336/Tgertertet/gouging_eyes_Mickey_Mouse_Steamboat_Willie.gif)
God damn it, took me a while to get it.SPOILERS YOU BASTARD
Speaking of which, god damn it Hasbro. I'm okay with Discord's reformation but it should've been at least 2 parts/episodes long. Also, I hate how they leaked all the stuff of how Twilight is an alicorn at the end. At least leave it as a surprise ::)
SPOILERS YOU BASTARDIt doesn't matter, it's posted EVERYWHERE.
Leaving Earth -02- Mass Effect 3 OST (HQ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aen04HTdUns#ws)Mass Effect 3 Soundtrack - An End Once and For All (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5JvbD2Zc9I#ws)
Dont worry, it's only part 1 - 3.Season 4's gona have 26 episodes yay
Kind of stupid that they're ending the season so soon.
Equestria Girls Trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ta9i3YQAzM#ws)What the fuck,the artstyle sucks in this and they should stick to animating ponies.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Thank god it's just a spin off movie.
Equestria Girl's ending joke, read until end for maximum effectPerfect.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Fuck all ya'll bishes I actually like this. EGQ spoiler.I cringed so hard that my cringes cringed.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I cringed so hard that my cringes cringed.Yeah same. It wasn't THAT bad as I had expected.
Other than the cringey songs and the cringey use of technology, EQG wasn't as bad as I expected.
I watched a full episode of MLP for the first time last night. It was the newest episode "Filly Vanilli"
It was a musical and it wasn't that good. Am I missing something?
I watched a full episode of MLP for the first time last night. It was the newest episode "Filly Vanilli"Still haven't seen the latest one yet. A lot of recent episodes involve a lot of singing perhaps because Hasbro changed shit?
It was a musical and it wasn't that good. Am I missing something?
Rainbow Dash in Transformers: Age of Extinction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyEPBZFBbag#ws)(http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h322/Prox1996/1396273802724.gif)
Ponies in Transformers: Age of Extinction.
(http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h322/Prox1996/1396273802724.gif)Aw, are those little ponies threatening your masculinity again Prox?
Aw, are those little ponies threatening your masculinity again Prox?Chris pls