(Reg) Buzzkill: lol?
(Reg) Buzzkill: There is no reg code.
(Reg) Buzzkill: Almost anyone can become a damn reg.
(Reg) Buzzkill: Reg is just a tag
Derp what, exactly? What am I missing, and why is this report worthy?
I was here I just looked in my console logs and took pics bout to upload em
I'm guessing loke is trying to say that buzz doesn't give a fuck and that there is no point in Reg
(Reg) Buzzkill: lol?
(Reg) Buzzkill: There is no reg code.
(Reg) Buzzkill: Almost anyone can become a damn reg.
(Reg) Buzzkill: Reg is just a tag
Buzzkill is a profoundly annoying pain in the ass, but that isn't a reason for demotion.I always though of regulars being a representation of what the community thinks a decent role model should be.
I always though of regulars being a representation of what the community thinks a decent role model should be.
So, in that case, being an asshole is grounds for demotion.
So He is basically saying "I can say whatever I want because there aren't rules to follow cause I'm only reg"
Pretty much.
He's basically saying he doesn't care if he's regular or not. Just saying it's a tag and that there's no regulations he has to follow such as respecting other people. At least that's what it looks like.
Regulars are suppose to represent the server and be friendly to new players, to let them know that people who come there REGULARLY are NICE and RESPECTFUL people who help whenever they can so that the new players will be tempted to stay due to the community seeming nice, not filled with a bunch of assholes who don't even care about representing the server.
If anyone wants to add some opinions to change this thinking please do before I lock it.
Also, please add the correct format now.
EDIT: Woops, didn't realize it was in discussion.....Huh?
also changed a few wordings.
Moving this to report.:L
Loke, please provide the correct format with the required information so that this can be properly dealt with.
I don't really see what's so bad about this?This is the only line I'm concerned about:
Honestly it's just the reality ._.
It's not like he insulted anybody, he just stated something that is (mostly) true.
Read OP. Wasn't meant to be a report... he's just saving it here to report later. Which really is kind of stupid... you could have just saved it in a text document, PM yourself, etc.
I don't really see what's so bad about this?
Honestly it's just the reality ._.
It's not like he insulted anybody, he just stated something that is (mostly) true.
This is the only line I'm concerned about:
(Reg) Buzzkill: There is no reg code.
Well it has been already posted and we are discussing it as though it's a report. Seems kinda dumb to just leave it in the discussion, which as you said, was kinda stupid.What?
Which is why I said that if you guys had any other opinions on this, go ahead and say it.
That's what I'm worried about too. Also with the "you guys are retards" thing.
Do you just mean his attitude?
Yeah. I took it as he thinks that regulars have no guidelines and that saying vulgar things is ok. It may not be that case though.Ah okay, yea. I was just confused... I thought you meant he actually physically said that lol.
Ah okay, yea. I was just confused... I thought you meant he actually physically said that lol.
Ah okay, yea. I was just confused... I thought you meant he actually physically said that lol.
I don't really see what's so bad about this?
Honestly it's just the reality ._.
It's not like he insulted anybody, he just stated something that is (mostly) true.
I don't get it either I'm going to be entirely honest when I say this (I do expect to get flamed for saying it) but Reg is given out to almost anyone, now is that a bad thing, yes and no just depends on personal preference. I think Buzzkill could have not necessarily said it in public chat because it's something many people already know to be true, and he definately didn't have to say it the way he did. Saying there were no "Reg-ulations" made him seem like a bit of a dick, but he's pretty much entirely right theres like two requirements for being reg, be a productive member of the community (respectful, helpful, not a dick) and be REGularly active (at the time of application) that's about it. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong just try not to be dicks about it)Spoiler (click to show/hide)