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Should Sabbath Remain A Respected User?

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     I just thought I'd make this poll seeing as half the admins think i should be respected and the others don't. By the "others" that don't want me respected I mainly mean SleeperSoft and BananaHat. Most people know the incident with me and BH at the Flood server (if you don't look at it in the "Report Someone" page) but about a week or so ago SleeperSoft took away my respected capabilities and wouldn't tell me why. For the past week I've been asking him why I have my respected taken away but he won't answer. When I ask him why he won't tell me why my respected was taken away he says "because your annoying"... I've been asking the admins what I must do to get my respected back and Minic told me I should probably post on here because he doesn't know what I did to get demoted therefore he doesn't know what I need to do to become respected again. Long story short some admins want me to remain demoted. Do you?

Dr. Doctor:
When ever I have seen seen you votekick, it is allways as a personal matter.

voted -

     Personal being kicking someone shooting the boat they're on? I'm always careful about not abusing and kicking for the wrong reason. I can't change your opinion but please explain how I kick for personal matters.

» Magic «:
sup sabbath

-voted yus

Banana Hat:
It's gonna take a lot more than that to lose your respected.
ps. poll removed.


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