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HandGlove, I might be leaving the Flood server for good....
I might be leaving the RND Flood server for good. The servers used to be good not that many fags. Now all of a sudden abunch of minges are showing up only wanting to do money rounds,spamming,etc. Im not gunna deal with it on the flood server anymore, the minges are starting to vote with eachother to overpower the votekick/voteban. Just letting everyone know so they don't wonder why I haven't been on the Flood server in a while. If anyone else thinks this is a problem just reply...
If I were you I would just forget flood and play zombie survival!
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: cable330 on October 27, 2009, 06:52:55 PM ---If I were you I would just forget flood and play zombie survival!
--- End quote ---
Yea, zombie doesn't really have minges.
Boat Sinker:
exact same thing with me. something MUST be done to fix teh flood server
Yeeaaa :(. I wish I had seen this post before. I miss Handglove :(.
P.S ZS juts has too many glitchers and hackers.
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