Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

Admin application


Hey guys at rnd im makeing a application for rnd admin because there are a lot of minges on the revolution server that i would like to make them stop (a little) and i also help people who neeeeed help  :D :D :D and i dont abuse... thats not my way 8) I respect, and whoever says yes respect my brotha (btw im Jamaican) 8)

i just found this lol

Name: Omar (Call me Homer lol :D :D :D)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25932386

Age: 14

Birthday: 10/23/95

Ingame Name: Zis_Shit_Cake

Location: Milwaukee,Wisconsin GMT -6

Time Active: 4:00-9:59pm  and on weekends 11:00 am-11:00 pm

Admin Experience: RP servers , counter strike: source (pretty much it)

Friends: Cable, Muffin, and XTastic.

Education: 5th grade math :'( and 9th grade reading

Skillz: Technology,mingebag ban hammering and some other stuff

Builds: 3 SWEPs and a araam that follows people

Why i would like to be An ADMIN:My first post read that

 :o +1 he is teh rox my pants O.o Jk lolz but still +1


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