Other Shiz > Boneyard
Demotion of {MingeKiller} ( I forgot the rest of his name)
coolz please close topic it isnt flood new weapons topic lol :)
Just because he said he wont go on flood anymore doesnt mean he should get off the hook. I have people that will back up my information on his kicking without a reason. You need to do something about it. Hes gonna kick without a reason again most likely. If your just gonna keep letting him off the hook whats the point of this forum?
i can say only thing: OMG :D
--- Quote from: Banana Hat on October 17, 2009, 10:58:35 AM ---then we might as well add cannons to the boats to and make it pirate ship warz
--- End quote ---
omg that will be aweeeeeeesoommmmme :D ill keep in mind xD :D
no... do not demote him xD, really, i have seen him and it is perfectly legal to kick persons who do not obey to commands of jumping off the boat when theres dead people(AND MONEY ROUNDS ARE ILLEGAL SO GTFO!), did this make it a bit clearer and luben xD il try to set up a temp server to test out the idea xD and il add gcombat there too (sry for offtopic xD got carried away) and i personally do kick persons i pick a random person(NOT THE BOAT OWNER) and initiate a votekick after 10 seconds(i count down too) if noone jumps im going to votekick, usually people start jumping and if theres only 1 left and noone has voted yet i tell em to vote no and here yuh go happy day XD
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