Other Shiz > Boneyard

savagepimp banning for no reason

(1/2) > >>

I went to the build server and i was playing some music (i asked first) then some ass named savagepimp starts playing his s***ty rap music. I tell him to stop and instead he starts a voteban without warning. Heres the condump: (edited to remove all the concommand blocked(crosshair 1) crap)

--- Code: ---Saving achievements...
Dark: savage
savagepimp: ?
neo644: green day is overrated :/
Shadow: thanks savage xD
Dark: i made a plane...
[SolidVote] savagepimp initiated vote 'Ban player neo644 for 60 minutes?'
Shadow: mine changes
[SolidVote] savagepimp voted yes.
[SolidVote] Kaboose voted yes.
[SolidVote] Dark voted yes.
[SolidVote] Shadow voted yes.
[SolidVote] XTastic voted yes.
[SolidVote] coltonhaspotato voted yes.
.:RND`=- Tomcat: he ll just come back
savagepimp: ty for what shadow?
neo644: i listen to songs ive found in machinima vids
[SolidVote] neo644 voted no.
.:RND`=- Tomcat: ban evadeing
neo644: wtf
ericthebomb: dude shit music
neo644: ???
Shadow: well showing us this holo thing
savagepimp: np man
neo644: you ass
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..
Disconnect: Kicked byConsole : Banned by vote for 60 minutes..

Saving achievements...
Banned by server

Banned by server

Banned by server

] condump

--- End code ---

Ban evasion is starting to look real good right now...

Banana Hat:
 ::) go ahead.

I wasn't there to see that but I was in Flood server (like usual) and neo joined explaining this and what hapened. Not too long later savage cam to argue with neo for some reason... I ignored what they were sying becuase I didn't want to get involved in yet another arguement... Then savage kicked neo... he had no reason when we all asked and neo did end up getting kicked... I don't know completely what hapened but it seemed like savage was just following neo kciking and banning him from servers trying to be an ass... I would like to know what hapened so please tell me what's going on with this issue in here or in Flood...


--- Quote from: Banana Hat on October 16, 2009, 08:02:26 PM --- ::) go ahead.

--- End quote ---



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