Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

mdew355 respected?

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 Hi my name is Noah Roufus.  My Steam name is: mdew355.  I've been playing G-Mod for quite some time now, and my favorite servers are RANDOM servers.  I love to play flood.  I live in Cedar City, UT.  I am 13 years old (turning 14 in December).  My hobbies are;  Playing GMod, and portal, skating, forum posting, xbox live, o ya and facebook.  I am really good with CSS and HTML coding.  I have made several websites but had to delete them due to the expense.  I am expert in making 3D graphics, but still cant figure out how to make weapons for GMod.

My System Specs:
Acer 4720z laptop
Intel Duo 1.86
Mobile Intel 358 Mb graphic card
802.11b/g wireless internet
Windows 7 Ultimate
111Gb Hard Drive.

Here's a brief summary about be:

Name: Noah Roufus
Steam Acc: mdew355
Fav. Steam Game(s): GMod/Portal
State: Utah
Age: 13
B-Day: 12/17/95
Hobbies: GMod, Portal, Skating, XBL, FBook, Forums, 3D graphics, HTML/CSS writing
How to contact me: or, I prefer Gmail


Banana Hat:
dude Pryvisee, this ain't the mother fucking admin app board.

wait what are you talking about??? im going +1 because i want him to become respected...

Banana Hat:
Yea and it's making people insecure. They don't need a vote just a welcome.


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