Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

flood server


Not really sure if this goes here but here we go,

why is the flood server locked with a password (incase there are stupid people on this fourm i had to say a password)

but when i was in the server there were 6 other people and they were purple and black with no heads and my hp bar looked as if i was in tf2.

and it was the same for everyone.

then the screen went black and it said "kicked by console" and i went to get back in and then i needed a password to get in :(

and again in sorry if i posted in the wrong place

Ruben might have been working on the server.. not sure :)

He'll unlock it when his changes are ready.

O ya lol, i need to ketp ppl out or they will get like 999999999999999999999999999999999999 errors per second so anyway the lock duration is short until i finish uploading files, so dun worry n.n


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