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going to colorado this weekend, so I won't be on. I am moving at the end of the this month, wont be online at all unless I can crack the neighbors internet. CYA GUYS MONDAY!!

Gl with the cra..moving!

Hope to see you on ;O

im at grandmas house using neighbors internet *Y* im happy they have some so when i move here i get net. well i gtg, cya

Banana Hat:
where in Colorado are you moving too?

loveland CO. the fish out here SUCK DICK. a rotting shrimp, smothered in sum shit that fish like. in galveston tx, soon as i dropped that, WITHEN 10 seconds, I HAD A FISH. out here i drop it, fish stare at it for couple of minutes, then, MABYE, they WOULD NIBBLE IT!!!!!!!!   WTFFFFF!! well bored o typin on psp, cya mon.


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