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Truce between Crazed Gunner and HandGlove.

(1/3) > >>

My pole got deleted for some reason. But I am posting this new post. Crazed I am hoping that we can come to a truce. My standards are that you shall not vote yes in a votekick just because you dont like them. I know you never have , I think. Dont whine or complain when you get kicked. I may think of more. But what are your standards? Hopefully we can work something out.

Banana Hat:
Now we are getting somewhere.


--- Quote from: Banana Hat on October 14, 2009, 01:51:51 PM ---Now we are getting somewhere.

--- End quote ---
yes finally... but i wanted to see the poll :'( :'( :'( :'(

Banana Hat:
This is no place for a popularity contest.


--- Quote from: Banana Hat on October 14, 2009, 02:58:02 PM ---This is no place for a popularity contest.

--- End quote ---
sorry... oh and i saw the results in the boneyard


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