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Opinions About 2012 [IMPORTANT] [READ NOW]

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crazed gunner:
2012...Nobody knows if it is really the end of the world or not, but it has the most evidence, more evidence than any other world ends sequences.

Not just the super astronomic Mayans believed it, but a lot more evidence and history believes it. Watch the video below to learn about the others.
Please Wait For The Videos To Load Up  :P
2012 part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxQsLLOYC7Q

2012 part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT4hrd6To2k&feature=related

2012 part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nb8DUJFw70g&feature=fvw

Comment your opinions about 2012 on this post below.

=p i made a thread like this 2

crazed gunner:

--- Quote from: Butcher1993 on October 12, 2009, 09:42:47 AM ---=p i made a thread like this 2

--- End quote ---
cool ^_^ can u send me ure post

i don't think nothing will happen

Even if something crazy happens and the planet freaks out, some of us will inevitably survive. We're like cockroaches. Even worse really. We've spread over more of the earth than they have, plus into space.

Hell, it might even be fun to try and survive in a post-apocalyptic world. I'm damn good with old machines (my car is 23 years old and runs like new!), I can build and repair electronics in my sleep, I can manufacture my own ammunition (cast my own bullets, work up my own powder charges etc..), and that wife of mine is one helluva breeder (I give her one pop without birth control and she's prego  :P.. easy pregnancies, healthy babies, all boys so far too!).

Meh.. Either way, it'll all work out.


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