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Information About Forum Attachments
Sorry folks but I disabled all forum attachments and removed all previous ones..
There were a couple of issues with them and unfortunately, our host didn't take to kindly to them. :[
They are a great host though in many ways and I thank them personally for their hard work! :P
From now on you can upload to free hosts like filesmelt.com or mediafire.com. Maybe even take a look at tomcat's service!
Hope you all aren't to dissapointed.. go have fun :D
omg you mention meh
he he iam coming up wit a new upload script righ now so use the wp uploader for now
» Magic «:
you forgot
www.rapidshare.com <-that's the one i always use :D
megauploads better.... you don't have to have premium for more than 10 peeps to download
Imgur is the best for image upload. Free and you can upload pretty much anything even if they say its only for images.
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