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Butchers Random Password Generator

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iam at about 50% done wit c++ and about 755 wit teh lua hax and 100% wit teh pawno scripting

=p im 100% done with batch, 20% done with visual basic, 1% done with C++, 100% done with auto hot key script, etc.

is it virus free?

Well i preffer a SHA-384 Bit Encrypt for Steam LoL jk dood imagine that xD O: "Omg i lost the pass ;P"


--- Quote from: Ruben on October 10, 2009, 09:02:42 AM ---Well i preffer a SHA-384 Bit Encrypt for Steam LoL jk dood imagine that xD O: "Omg i lost the pass ;P"

--- End quote ---
LOL steam would be like, hmmm... whats his password... they would be running super computers for years to crack that LOL

--- Quote from: Pryvisee on October 09, 2009, 02:28:31 PM ---is it virus free?

--- End quote ---

yes it is. I dont put viruses in my shiz under this name. If some guy named cold posts something... then you have to watch out lol


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